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LaPtiteBete: Of course I like things :D
Ok, send me your top-5 men and women in PM and I'll do the same, ok ? no cheat :D
I don't "hate" peanut butter, I just don't see the point of it :D (don't hit me !!!) >__o
I mean, I already have awesome chocolate to spread on everything ! \o/ what else could I want to eat...
Hahaha... alright, I'll get to work on my list :-D

... Wh... what is the point of peanut butter? '',',,',',>:-O The point of peanut butter is infinite happiness! You can't put chocolate on hot dogs, that is gross! :-p
AgentBirdnest: Those parts in bold are conflicting, in my opinion :-)
Always fun for me when I change mine, but I usually change it back after 4 hours...
Odds are I'll end up doing the same. A large red eyeball is pretty noticeable, so altering that might not work.
ElTerprise: Thank you :)
BTW: Interviewed the Mormons again ;)
Cool! Next time offer them beers and watch them freak out :-D
BillyMaysFan59: good evening =)

Nothing I can complain about, like always.
That is good to hear. Anything fun planned for your day (or what is left of it)?

CarrionCrow: People always have their own things. Being able to set them aside to be there for others is the difference between empathy and self-absorption.

Considering the good against the bad is the right approach, I think, but you don't have to clamp down on the bad and never express it.
I know, my whole attitude towards my own problems goes back to after I was attacked and when I was caring for my grandmother and mother. I did not want them worrying about me, especially as they were/still are very ill. Since then I tend to brush my own problems aside, I prefer to concentrate on helping others with their problems.

Thank you for all your kind words, as always you are so very sweet.
ddickinson: I know, my whole attitude towards my own problems goes back to after I was attacked and when I was caring for my grandmother and mother. I did not want them worrying about me, especially as they were/still are very ill. Since then I tend to brush my own problems aside, I prefer to concentrate on helping others with their problems.

Thank you for all your kind words, as always you are so very sweet.

-laughs- Not even close. It varies from person to person.
CarrionCrow: Understandable.

-laughs- Not even close. It varies from person to person.
Well, you have only ever being lovely and sweet to me, just like Endre.

So, on a more game related note: have you finished Diablo 3 yet?
Hm...decided to switch back to the good Rayman ;)...

AgentBirdnest: Cool! Next time offer them beers and watch them freak out :-D
That sounds like a funny idea but i like my job :)
CarrionCrow: Understandable.

-laughs- Not even close. It varies from person to person.
ddickinson: Well, you have only ever being lovely and sweet to me, just like Endre.

So, on a more game related note: have you finished Diablo 3 yet?
Never had a reason not to be.

Beat it on hardcore expert mode, then deleted the character, the game and the client.
I have better games to play. If I have to gamble close to 30 hours of progress in order to feel like I'm getting something from it, they've failed.
ddickinson: Hello! *more big hugs*

I miss you as well, it seems like ages since we last talked (even though it has only been a few days). I am okay, had better days, but okay (read back a page for more details, as I feel bad for keep mentioning my problems and bother people with them).

I am glad to hear you are well. You are not looking forward to storming of the Bastille and killing some French people? :-)

I hope your day off will be lovely and relaxing. How are your adorable Owlets?

*big Bastille day hug*
LaPtiteBete: Yes... only a few days :) but they lasted too long !!
Hm... glad to read you're doing well, but I miss your "great" too... :-\
So you spent a lot of time in hospital ? :-\ ... but these should be the last tests... do you know when you'll get the results ?... and you never bother me, at least you can bother me as much as you want :D you know where my sh*tty-chat is...
My owlets are fine, thanks !! (well, the eldest one has lice... >__< pouarkh !!!! we can't get rid of them... humpf... I almost shaved his head 2 days ago but he didn't want :D)
**More happy hugs with some fresh tea**
ElTerprise: Boinsoir Owl *big hug*
Happy Bastille Day :)

How are you doing?
LaPtiteBete: Hello ElT !!!
And thanks !!! :D
**Happy patriotic hug**
I'm good ! what about you ??
l0rdtr3k: I'm here.Playing with your tail,being slimmy and making cute random noises.
LaPtiteBete: **Crushing little blob to obtain different noises** :D
*makes squeaky toy sound*
*quick visit from lurking*
DON'T change your avatar crow!

*hugs and waves for everyone*
*extra hug for ElT for being back to normal* ;-)
please.jpg (86 Kb)
Post edited July 14, 2015 by moonshineshadow
moonshineshadow: *quick visit from lurking*
DON'T change your avatar crow!

*hugs and waves for everyone*
*quick hug*
Aren't you happy that ElT changed back, at least? :-) [oops... your ninja-edit answered me]
Post edited July 14, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
ddickinson: I am sure my great will be back soon. But maybe not this week. My partner is visiting her family until Friday, so I am all alone on the evenings. I don't like coming home to an empty house. :-(

I should get my appointment date later in the week, then I will find out most of the results. Hopefully it will be nothing too bad. I know you don't mind me bothering you, but I just don't want to keep going on about my little problems on the thread.

French lice? I hear they are very resilient. :-)
I hope you get the problem sorted soon. Do you have all the lice medication we have over here for kids? They seem to work pretty well, but I have never really had and experience using them. (Just wait until he is asleep, then get your Agent to help you shave your eldest Owlets head then. If he doesn't like it you can blame Agent :-)).

*big thank you hug with extra special hot chocolate*
Aaaw... your partner left you alone... do you want Agent and I go and bring her back to you ? >:-| ... you have only one word to say !
Your "little problems" ?... Don't minimize your feelings, young lady !... >:-\ you are worried, and it's totally fine that you need to talk about stuff, here or there. It usually helps to get your mind off things... hopefully you'll get your results really soon, and won't have any reason to worry anymore :) but whether you feel great or okay, you can talk about everything, any time.
Yeah, french lice are awful. >__< ... pouarkh pouarkh pouarkh. And I bought 3 differents products to test (I gazed him :D) ... I'll see... Ho. Good idea... blame Agent !!! \o/ hihi...
Hooo thanks for the hot chocolate !!!
**Extra thank you hugs with blueberry muffins**
moonshineshadow: *quick visit from lurking*
DON'T change your avatar crow!

*hugs and waves for everyone*
*extra hug for ElT for being back to normal* ;-)
-laughs- I figured I'd get that response from you.

Don't worry, I was thinking of posting a picture of my actual eye instead.
Course, that comes with the logistical problems of lighting, distance and all that fun crap.
AgentBirdnest: Hahaha... alright, I'll get to work on my list :-D

... Wh... what is the point of peanut butter? '',',,',',>:-O The point of peanut butter is infinite happiness! You can't put chocolate on hot dogs, that is gross! :-p
Hoooo :D did I get you mad ?... ^^
You can't put peanut butter everywhere either (don't tell me you put it on hot dogs ? ô__< pouarkh !!!)
moonshineshadow: *quick visit from lurking*
DON'T change your avatar crow!

*hugs and waves for everyone*
*extra hug for ElT for being back to normal* ;-)
Good evening Moon *big return hug*
Yes wasn't too happy with the avatar after all (although i liked it ) :)