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LaPtiteBete: Good afternoon, dear thread ! :D
**Big hugs and coffee**
How is everyone doing ?...
aww... ninja'd by my favorite Owl :-)
**Extra big hug**
Doing great here! I just started playing Shadowrun, courtesy of a lovely little yellow-feathered creature :-) Have some more +1s for that.
How are you? You have the day off today and tomorrow, if I remember correctly?
BillyMaysFan59: 3 hours and no post??? 0_0

*lures the peeps in with some unbelievably strong dark roast coffee*
Looks like your trap worked :-)
Glad to hear you are well!
Post edited July 13, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
Oh some activity in the thread :D

How are you all doing?
ElTerprise: Oh some activity in the thread :D
At long last! Glad Owl and Agent could help
ElTerprise: Oh some activity in the thread :D

How are you all doing?
*comes from nowhere and gives a tackle hug*

Doing great here :-) ... I've been keeping quiet over the weekend... I won't even try to catch up on what I missed +__+

How about yourself?
BillyMaysFan59: At long last! Glad Owl and Agent could help
Yes. That's good. That was uncommon for a weekday...

AgentBirdnest: *comes from nowhere and gives a tackle hug*

Doing great here :-) ... I've been keeping quiet over the weekend... I won't even try to catch up on what I missed +__+

How about yourself?
*big return hug* glad to hear that - doing good here :)
Hello people, how are you?
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Hello people, how are you?
Hello. Doing good here. What about you?
Still pretty inactive here =/
BillyMaysFan59: Still pretty inactive here =/

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay has finally opened up after about two hours or so, reaching a balance between stealth and action, whereas in the early parts of the game it tends to heavily focus on one or the other. With this change I'm actually interested in playing it for more than five to ten minutes at a time.

If any of you folks are interested in boxing games, allow me to throw a recommendation out for Reach. Reach is a (now) freeware PC boxing game made by none other than MDickie, yes THAT MDickie. Much like his wrestling games, Reach is actually rather solid, although a bit crude around all of its edges.
LOL what happened to your little guy?
Ixamyakxim: LOL what happened to your little guy?
You mean the avatar? Changed it to Dark Rayman for the moment :)
Post edited July 13, 2015 by ElTerprise
NoNewTaleToTell: The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay has finally opened up after about two hours or so
I played this on console when it released. What a gorgeous and fun game that was. Amazingly polished and from an odd dev house that I think had only made one other game up to that point? I remember everything about it being silky smooth, with a great variety to gameplay that oozed atmosphere. Even getting violently jabbed in the neck to restore health was perfect. No medpacks here LOL ;)
Ixamyakxim: LOL what happened to your little guy?
ElTerprise: You mean the avatar? Changed it to Dark Rayman for the moment :)
*edit Yup him! He's a bit funny looking now LOL.
Post edited July 13, 2015 by Ixamyakxim
Ixamyakxim: *edit Yup him! He's a bit funny looking now LOL.
Yes :).
Ixamyakxim: [...] What a gorgeous and fun game that was. Amazingly polished and from an odd dev house that I think had only made one other game up to that point? I remember everything about it being silky smooth, with a great variety to gameplay that oozed atmosphere. [...] No medpacks here LOL ;)
I want to play Dark Messiah of Might and Magic again.
Post edited July 13, 2015 by GreenDamsel
GreenDamsel: I want to play Dark Messiah of Might and Magic again.
I never played that - did the same developers make it? I think I remember it being called a bit more of an action RPG (like the more recenty Gothic - Arcania I think it was called?) or am I mistaken?