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AgentBirdnest: Yes, I know :-) ... I really need to try alcohol again someday... other than cough syrup of course :-p I only tried one beer in my life, and I wasn't impressed. Maybe next time I'll go straight to absinthe n__n
Well...i assume you tried american beer (no offense)...try some european ones or some wine...but absinthe....? Better try some whisk(e)y or cognac instead :P
ddickinson: What would you say your favourite French dish is?

*big super happy return hug*
LaPtiteBete: That's too hard !!! :-O
May I do a top-10 ?
Yes do a top ten, it is always interesting to learn about new dishes :D
ddickinson: That does look tasty. Did you know some people eat owls? I can't remember what country it was, but they said it was a delicacy.
,',',,',',',,',',',>:-| Good grief... you wanna make me have nightmares ??
A guy ate one in Walking Dead, once :-)
And you DD, what is your favourite meal ?...
ElTerprise: Well sure. I'll see about that when i actually play it :). Don't know if i'll play it on hard though...
I am not sure how much difference there is, but probably not a lot. I often start a game on hard and then judge if I want it easier or if it's okay. The difficulty wouldn't really spoil the atmosphere and the story, so you might as well play it on medium. I think the difficulty mainly effects the batteries and things like that anyway.
moonshineshadow: Yes do a top ten, it is always interesting to learn about new dishes :D
Oh... tomorrow then... too lazy to think now... ;-p
Will you do it too ?
ddickinson: I am glad to hear you are doing okay, and have had a pleasant day.

I definitely could not torture myself with some of the games you have played, it would drive me crazy and just putt me off playing the game any more.

Is Diablo 3 really that easy? I wonder if that is another side effect of them originally wanting you to spend most of your time collecting loot to resell. I would think that when they removed the auction house they could have patched the game to make it a challenge and less about loot.
On standard difficulty, the entire game is a joke.

I honestly don't know what they were thinking. Would have been interested to see what they could have done if they weren't wasting their time and energy on things like the auction house, but they squandered that chance.
ElTerprise: I know...just pulling your leg here ;)....glad to hear that and cool water can be really refreshing altough i'd prefer some alcohol at the moment :P
AgentBirdnest: Yes, I know :-) ... I really need to try alcohol again someday... other than cough syrup of course :-p I only tried one beer in my life, and I wasn't impressed. Maybe next time I'll go straight to absinthe n__n
Or you can just not do it and we make the "no alcohol club" :D

moonshineshadow: Yes do a top ten, it is always interesting to learn about new dishes :D
LaPtiteBete: Oh... tomorrow then... too lazy to think now... ;-p
Will you do it too ?
*extra big hug* I would prefer to hear about it now, but tomorrow is also ok ;-)
And of course I can also tell you about my favourite dishes :D
(that reminds me that I wanted to put together some of my baking recipes to share)

LaPtiteBete: So... there is no "u" in "favourite" ?.... did people lie to me all these years ? >:-|
As far as I know "favourite" is British English and "favorite" is American English :-)
Post edited July 10, 2015 by moonshineshadow
LaPtiteBete: Hey >:-|
My birthday is on my GOG wiki page, and I'm perfectly fine with that, you rude man.
Aw... sorry >__o ... Just being a smartass, you know I love you ;-)
LaPtiteBete: **Crush silly Agent back**
I'm glad that you're finally doing better !! it's a bad time !! ;-p (lame pun because I'm French and my English is very poor)
So... there is no "u" in "favourite" ?.... did people lie to me all these years ? >:-|
Thanks! 'preciate it! (nice pun n__o ... made me smile, really :-))
The "u" depends on where you live... British spell it "favourite" while Americans spell it "favorite".
AgentBirdnest: I hope so! I'll try my best tonight. So far, my score is Good - 2 , Tried - 1 :-)
*more tired return hugs*
i wonder if we will get a special badge for 10 good sleeps. We will have to ask the gifting leader about it sometime. :-)

*more hugs*

LaPtiteBete: ,',',,',',',,',',',>:-| Good grief... you wanna make me have nightmares ??
A guy ate one in Walking Dead, once :-)
And you DD, what is your favourite meal ?...
i would have to say Owl, stuffed with extra owl and a side order of those fluorescent green peas you French seem to think we eat. And mint sauce, of course. (Even though I don't like mint sauce, but I have to keep the stereotype.) :-)

I am not sure why my favourite would be, how about fish and chips? :-) I am just a simple country girl, so my tastes tend to be quite simple. There are lots of meals I like, a full English breakfast is nice, so is a nice sunday roast. I will have to have a think, maybe I should also do a top 10? :-)

CarrionCrow: On standard difficulty, the entire game is a joke.

I honestly don't know what they were thinking. Would have been interested to see what they could have done if they weren't wasting their time and energy on things like the auction house, but they squandered that chance.
They (AAA developers) seem to care more about extracting as much money as possible these days, rather than making a good game. It looks like Diablo 3 was designed to be an auction house with a game attached. I have heard a few people say how let down they have been with the game, especially given how much they loved Diablo 2.
LaPtiteBete: It is !!! :D
What is your favourite meal, ElT ?
Oh...that's difficult...i can try to make a top-10 as well but not of my favourites is definitely Matie salad (Matjessalat). Somthing like or [url=]this (there are many variations).
ddickinson: i wonder if we will get a special badge for 10 good sleeps. We will have to ask the gifting leader about it sometime. :-)
Why would you want to ask ElT about that?
But yeah such a badge would be nice, perhaps we should be extra nice to owl and then ask her to draw one for us :D
ElTerprise: Well...i assume you tried american beer (no offense)...try some european ones or some wine...but absinthe....? Better try some whisk(e)y or cognac instead :P
Probably, yes. I drank it with my brother and didn't even look at the label :"p I doubt he sprang for the good stuff though ;-)
moonshineshadow: Or you can just not do it and we make the "no alcohol club" :D
Woo! \o/ That sounds lovely... I'm starting to feel like a badass, being in so many clubs B-|
I am too scared to try it. I'm worried I'd throw up, and I really don't want that to happen ',',',':-|
ddickinson: I am not sure how much difference there is, but probably not a lot. I often start a game on hard and then judge if I want it easier or if it's okay. The difficulty wouldn't really spoil the atmosphere and the story, so you might as well play it on medium. I think the difficulty mainly effects the batteries and things like that anyway.
Okay...well i mostly play games on normal/medium/*insert fancy name for that difficulty*....
Post edited July 10, 2015 by ElTerprise
moonshineshadow: Why would you want to ask ElT about that?
But yeah such a badge would be nice, perhaps we should be extra nice to owl and then ask her to draw one for us :D
Because I am too tired and accidentally said gifting instead of sleeping club. :-)
moonshineshadow: *extra big hug* I would prefer to hear about it now, but tomorrow is also ok ;-)
And of course I can also tell you about my favourite dishes :D
(that reminds me that I wanted to put together some of my baking recipes to share)

LaPtiteBete: So... there is no "u" in "favourite" ?.... did people lie to me all these years ? >:-|
moonshineshadow: As far as I know "favourite" is British English and "favorite" is American English :-)
Haaaa :D
Ho, I hope you'll share your recipes with us too !!!
Haa... that's why "favourite" sounds so much more fancy !!! n__o