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moonshineshadow: *hugs and waves*
Meh... a minute ago my chat got broken... I now only see the spinning circle.
*big hug*

It's the same for me. One minute it worked, now I get that error message again and the constant spinning circle. I wonder what GOG bear is up to?
moonshineshadow: *hugs and waves*
Meh... a minute ago my chat got broken... I now only see the spinning circle.
ddickinson: *big hug*

It's the same for me. One minute it worked, now I get that error message again and the constant spinning circle. I wonder what GOG bear is up to?
Hi dd,
you missed all the fun:-)
Vnlr: edit: Perhaps you mean "Qtractor"?
NoNewTaleToTell: This is what I was talking about
Oh, that looks promising! Thank you for mentioning it ;)
I had the chat bug last night, but I decided to call it a night before the rest of the bugs turned up. I wonder what is causing it all. Maybe they are working on something behind the scenes. Some "Good News™" perhaps? :-)
NoNewTaleToTell: This is what I was talking about
Vnlr: Oh, that looks promising! Thank you for mentioning it ;)
No problem! It's come a long long way since I last laid eyes on it, I'm giving it a try as well.
ddickinson: I had the chat bug last night, but I decided to call it a night before the rest of the bugs turned up. I wonder what is causing it all. Maybe they are working on something behind the scenes. Some "Good News™" perhaps? :-)
Yeah,I think Gog done some sort of forum update or something.I see no difference
from when it went BANG,this morning.
gunsynd: Yeah,I think Gog done some sort of forum update or something.I see no difference
from when it went BANG,this morning.
Maybe more security stuff, what with it effecting the logins. Or it could just be server troubles, who knows with GOG.

How are you today?
gunsynd: Yeah,I think Gog done some sort of forum update or something.I see no difference
from when it went BANG,this morning.
ddickinson: Maybe more security stuff, what with it effecting the logins. Or it could just be server troubles, who knows with GOG.

How are you today?
Fine thanks and off to dreamworld:-)
Vnlr: Beyond the player's knowledge, and this is crucial for later; The bad guys have got contact through the tunnels of the drow with the far awy wastes where demons and black paladins thrive galore. Once the bad guys have taken over, they will form the anvil that will crush the Elves and Dwarves with aid from the Darklands (to the west, beyond the dwarves), and the northern wastes (above the elven forest).

A hint of the above will be dropped when the players are underway to the dwarf kings, in the form of a big Chaos paladin who will knock them about and try to turn them away from their quest through ... persuasion ...

The rest depends on wether the players make enough haste or can/cannot complete their quest. I'm not above dooming an entire fantasy world if the players can't get their act together :p

But I can't seem to get good session material together in a way that would deepen the story and give the players a good chance at finding out on themselves the true direness of the situation.

I added a little sketch of the lay of the lands
So if I'd be the bad guy. I'd actually sent more messengers to the other bad guys. Maybe one flying (raven), and one through the tunnels of the drow. So at least 1 makes it through alive.

Your heroes need a pact with the dwarves. I just assume that the dwarves have tunnels as well. Maybe they interlink at some point with the drow network.
So how do the heroes get the dwarves to cooperate? The classical method would be to help them with some of their problems. Maybe they cannot mine much anymore from underground, because some demons are nesting in their tunnels. Thus your hero group goes into the tunnels to deal with the problem.
On their way they get into the drow network and take up rest in a drow underground city, where they stumble upon the messenger. That's how they can find out about the bigger plot. Assuming they kill the messenger or get his message somehow there is still the second messenger delivering the attack plans, so your big endgame isn't foiled just yet.
That episode could end with: a) your heroes establish the attack pact with the dwarves b) get some tunnel action with some demons (or whatever you want) c) get some player interaction with each other in a rather horror-like scenario of dark abandoned tunnels d) Your big plot is still moving e) drow cities can be really interesting, culture wise and pose as a diplomatic challenge in itself.
Regarding e): In my books drow love intrigues and you can play a whole session over how your heroes struggle through a web of lies in order to reach the messenger who is residing with the lord of the drow city in a palace.
You could split it into 3 session: 1) Reach the dwarven city and encounter the chaos paladin, then negotiate and interact with the dwarves. Enter the tunnels beneath the city. -Cut- 2) Go through the tunnels and slay the monsters or solve the problem of the dwarves. Get lost on your way out. -Cut- 3) The heroes find a drow city ruled by a lord. See above for events. Then go back to the top with a drow guide or some map.

Just some rough ideas. Needs some working on, but I hope these help.

Love your idea with the totalitarian regime. That's something my characters often strive for. In my campaign I actually got to establish that. Made a group of necromancers start harassing some barbarians on the northern continent until they fled southwards looking for new territory. They then invaded the main continent, where the heroes are, and the continent's lords all agreed to establish an emperor in order to unify and synchronize military actions. That emperor was my villain. And my group fucked up, because they didn't pick up any clues I left lying around, warning about the invasion and stuff, which could've been stopped easily on the coasts with some preparation. Now half the continent is burned down, the barbarian horde was slaughtered, and they have to find a way to stop the emperor, who is going to murder the lords at a diplomatic feast soon.

It's basically them against me and if they can predict my next step. To make it fair, I predicted all their actions and have it all written down already and have a friend watching over my notes so I don't cheat.
I'm winning. xaxaxaxaxaxa :D
gunsynd: Fine thanks and off to dreamworld:-)
Glad to hear it.

Goodnight, sleep well!
gunsynd: Fine thanks and off to dreamworld:-)
ddickinson: Glad to hear it.

Goodnight, sleep well!
Hey to everyone, that I missed whilst writing this monster of a reply.
ddickinson: *Moves to another seat further away from Agent in case the release is NOLF. And grabs a fire extinguisher just in case it's not NOLF* :-)

Some people think that something big is coming, due to the delayed release.

*big morning hug*
Keep that fire extinguisher ready... :-p
*big return hug*

I'm very pleased to see Tropico 4 here. I love the Tropico series... Too bad it didn't show up a few years ago though. I've had it on the competition for quite some time...
Now where is Tropico 5? Is this a case of "we'll make it DRM in 4 years once it isn't making money anymore"? Bah... I'll keep waiting patiently for it...
AgentBirdnest: Keep that fire extinguisher ready... :-p
*big return hug*

I'm very pleased to see Tropico 4 here. I love the Tropico series... Too bad it didn't show up a few years ago though. I've had it on the competition for quite some time...
Now where is Tropico 5? Is this a case of "we'll make it DRM in 4 years once it isn't making money anymore"? Bah... I'll keep waiting patiently for it...
So we finally got todays release. Do you think there could be more on the way?

*puts out a few small fires someone set around the site*
GreenDamsel: It's basically them against me and if they can predict my next step. To make it fair, I predicted all their actions and have it all written down already and have a friend watching over my notes so I don't cheat.
I'm winning. xaxaxaxaxaxa :D
Hehe, sounds like good fun ;D

I could perhaps also pull a little plot twist from morrowind; The part where Dagoth Ur invites you to come to red mountain, the lion's den itself, to sort something out.

I was thinking about making the Dwarf session mainly diplomatic/intriguous. The Dwarf king refuses at first because he is a bit uncertain and his advisor counsels against interfering. That advisor however, is an agent of the great enemy, and some chairmen are on to him. The players need to skulldugger and gain favor of the other chairmen to win over the king, and if they expose the advisor, so much the better..

And yes, through that advisor who gets some, ahem "post" from somewhere (that can be backtracked too hidden tunnels) they can try and negociate with/foil the drow in the underdark below.

Yeeez, I can see it coming together now *big crushing hug for relieving me of my writer's block* :D