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ddickinson: It looks and runs very smoothly at 1080p as well (so far), and the music and ambience seem quite good. I am still only early in the game, so only time will tell if the game will keep up its charm and lovely atmosphere.

Do you have long to wait before you can try the game?
Around 1more hour.
moonshineshadow: It should be fine. I'll put some tiger balm on it and wear a scarf. That should hopefully solve this :-)
*extra big return hug*
ddickinson: Let's hope so. Could it be related to the weather, caused by the sudden drop in temperature?
I have no idea to be honest. But even if that is the reason, I prefer that over the heatwave of the days before :D
ddickinson: How are you enjoying the game overall? I have played the first two Diablo games, but was never really interested in the third, partly due to the DRM, and partly due to me not really liking Blizzard games these days.
There's a sliver of potential, but they buried it under a pile of garbage.

The game itself is all kinds of repetitive, and it has MMO stink all over it. It's not nearly so much about characters and skills as it is about loot, and they expect you to grind like it's an MMO to get the best stuff.
They expect you to talk with every character, to go through the same levels repeatedly, to get meaningless achievements that offer no reward than reminding the player that they wasted their time so they can show off how large their e-genitals are, just like they have with their fucking MMO.

The sound is all right, the monster designs are dull and uninspired, the gameplay is boring unless you're an idiot like I am and risk pissing away time and effort on high-difficulty hardcore mode, the classes each have their own feel to them, which is interesting, but boredom within a single class happens pretty quickly, especially since you're blocked from using more than 6 skills at a time so it feels like your arsenal is always underutilized, I'm pretty sure I couldn't give less of a shit about the general story if I tried, they spoil who a mystery character is before you're supposed to find out so the big reveal is ruined, the voice actor for Cain makes me keep screaming at him to shut the fuck up...

Long story short, I wouldn't recommend this. There must be better action RPG's than this.
If not, the genre is fucked.
It's only memorable in the sense that years from now, when some people are still playing through the same click yourself to death content as Blizzard rehashes it again and again, I'll remember that I was dumb enough to buy this.
moonshineshadow: Yep, and we even have three since there is a neutral one :D
Ah, so english is the lazy one out?

I've always thought a neutral gender made the most sense, I mean, how can a chair have sex?!

Ok, maybe that was not a good idea. Brain stop, Don't go there, dont go THERE!

Damn it I went there.
ElTerprise: Well apparently the QA team found it -->
But it's good they didn't released it and patch it afterwards...unlike some well known publishers....
It is good that they found it and that they had the decency to delay the release, rather than just release it broken like many developers do. I do wonder what the bug was, for them to have only just found it?
moonshineshadow: Living alone solves all that. No one who can complain about anything ;-)
Very true, but it serves a purpose. Not exactly sociable to begin with, so I see more of them than anyone else by far.
If I lived alone, my human contact would be virtually zero.
moonshineshadow: Yep, and we even have three since there is a neutral one :D
j0ekerr: Ah, so english is the lazy one out?
I've always thought a neutral gender made the most sense, I mean, how can a chair have sex?!
Ok, maybe that was not a good idea. Brain stop, Don't go there, dont go THERE!
Damn it I went there.
A neutral gender would make sense if it would be used accordingly. But just so that you know, chair is masculin :P
ElTerprise: Whoa that went fast...
Yeah, I turned the difficulty up to expert and got nailed. Being more careful this time.
moonshineshadow: Living alone solves all that. No one who can complain about anything ;-)
CarrionCrow: Very true, but it serves a purpose. Not exactly sociable to begin with, so I see more of them than anyone else by far.
If I lived alone, my human contact would be virtually zero.
Yeah good argument. Without my work my human contact would probably be zero aside from the visits to my family ;-)
l0rdtr3k: Around 1more hour.
I hope it's worth the wait and you have lots of fun with it. Is it a console game or a PC game?

moonshineshadow: I have no idea to be honest. But even if that is the reason, I prefer that over the heatwave of the days before :D
Just as long as it does not keep you up and stop you getting some much deserved sleep.

*more big hugs*

CarrionCrow: ...
I have heard a lot of bad things about Diablo 3, ranging from the bad characters to the whole store where they tried to exploit people for real world money on items, which is probably why it is so centered on loot, as they were planning to monetise it all.

I heard many people say Torchlight 2 was a lot better in many ways, and that it is what Diablo 3 should have been. I have played the first torchlight, and found it so boring and repetitive, but I don't know if the second one is any better as I have not played it.
AgentBirdnest: Oh boy... I'll do my best ',','',):-|

You don't have to be Mexican to be Rodriguez... you just have to be fancy, and he has a really fancy tower :-)

*this hug just keeps going as long as you'd like*
All you need to do to be a Rodríguez is stay at home while your half orange goes on holiday by herself taking any pesky brats as well.

If you don't get it, don't worry it's not funny in spanish either.
Post edited July 09, 2015 by j0ekerr
ddickinson: It is good that they found it and that they had the decency to delay the release, rather than just release it broken like many developers do. I do wonder what the bug was, for them to have only just found it?
Yes. Definitely but that should be the standard. Me too...
moonshineshadow: I have no idea to be honest. But even if that is the reason, I prefer that over the heatwave of the days before :D
ddickinson: Just as long as it does not keep you up and stop you getting some much deserved sleep.

*more big hugs*
I don't think it will keep me awake :-) The only reason I am not asleep yet is that my mind does not want to shut up :P
*more big return hugs*
CarrionCrow: Yeah, I turned the difficulty up to expert and got nailed. Being more careful this time.
Is expert the highest difficulty?
ElTerprise: Yes. Definitely but that should be the standard. Me too...
I guess the developers are not big enough to release a broken game and not suffer for it, financially or damage to their reputation. And them being honest will get them some credit from gamers, as so many companies just lie all the time.

moonshineshadow: I don't think it will keep me awake :-) The only reason I am not asleep yet is that my mind does not want to shut up :P
*more big return hugs*
I know how that is, that is partly why I am still awake. :-)