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LaPtiteBete: Prague !!! :D
It's a wonderful city... very beautiful ! historical... "sincere" ! I loved it...
And the people are nice too, if I remember well (if I don't, don't yell at me... It's been nearly 10 yearss ago,, and I have a sh*tty memory !!) ^^
I will, too :D thanks !!! **BIG hug back**
That's why i want to visit Prague and I heard the same about the people :D

ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!

How are you all doing this evening?

My even was very short due to me working late, but nice all the same.

*tired hugs and silly waves*
Good evening DD *big hug*
Still doing good having a quiet evening and currently listening to some music :)
Glad to hear that you're had a nice evening too despite being short :)
ElTerprise: Glad to hear that. Of course i'm looking forward to it - although i'll still have to work on some stuff for university. But the next semester starts in October so there's plenty of time for me to relax and/or do some travelling :)

That's great *big happy hug*.
Will you be travelling in that time?
LaPtiteBete: Aaaaaaw October !!!! :-O .... I'm so jealous >:-| ..... you'd better enjoy it !!!! ;-p
Yeah, I remember... you plan to do a bike trip, don't you ?...
I'll spend a few days at a friend's house in Bourgogne (she has horses \o/ and dogs...), only me and my 2 owlets... then we'll go one week with + my parents in law and my youngest owlet's dad, in Vendée (next to the sea \o/ and hopefully in a renting place with a little swimming pool, but it's not sure... we're still looking for it...). ANd the third week is resting at home and maybe some walks around, nothing more :)
It's gonna be cool...
\o/ holidays !!!! \o/
xUrsaMajor: I am doing well. Just playing some games. Posting on the forum so a friend can add me. How about yourself?
LaPtiteBete: Hey, hi :) what games are you playing ? :)
I am playing Shadowrun: Dragonfall and also Divinity: Original Sin! Just picked up The Wolf Among Us and Game of Thrones: Telltale Game which I think should be good.
l0rdtr3k: Nope,returning from a party.Didn't saw a hole on the pavement and I fell in it.
Ouch. Hopefully it'll getting better soon :)
l0rdtr3k: Nope,returning from a party.Didn't saw a hole on the pavement and I fell in it.

**keep from laughing, level : hardcore**
,,,',',',,',,',,',' :-| mpffffrtttt
I hope you don't suffer too much ??
ElTerprise: Good evening DD *big hug*
Still doing good having a quiet evening and currently listening to some music :)
Glad to hear that you're had a nice evening too despite being short :)
Good evening!

Glad to hear you are still doing good. What music are you listening to?

Thank you, and it's raining now, which is cooling things down nicely. :-)
l0rdtr3k: Nope,returning from a party.Didn't saw a hole on the pavement and I fell in it.
ddickinson: What did the doctor say about your ankle? Is it feeling any better?
Had a busy day playing WoW and sleeping with GF.
l0rdtr3k: Had a busy day playing WoW and sleeping with GF.
Did you find the time to get your ankle looked at? Is it anything serious?
ddickinson: Good evening, wonderful Owl!
*big super epic French hug* (And yes, I will gladly have a hug fight with you. I won't back down like Agent did.) :-)

Thank you. How was your day and evening? Nice and relaxing I hope?
Haaaa :D
**Enormous tight hug that makes you turn blue**
Yeah, Agent is a wuss :D hihi
And yes, nice day, and nice and relaxing evening..... that's cool. I won't go to bed too late tonight, for a change :D
Tomorrow evening, I have 2 friends (and former colleagues :D) who come to see me and eat sushis... I don't want to be too tired...
How was your day ? aren't you too tired too ?
NoNewTaleToTell: Hello everybody, good morning, good night, good afternoon and a happy new years!

Now with all the pleasantries out of the way, has anyone tried Proxy Blade Zero? It looks really interesting and after selling one more Trading Card I'll have enough Steam Funny Money to pick it up.
ddickinson: Good evening!

I have never played it, and to be honest I have never heard of it. But then my knowledge of games is not that good, especially as I tend to stick to GOG for my games.
I've come across it twice, both times on sale. I didn't pull the trigger on it the first time for some reason but it does look pretty interesting I guess.

NoNewTaleToTell: Hello everybody, good morning, good night, good afternoon and a happy new years!

Now with all the pleasantries out of the way, has anyone tried Proxy Blade Zero? It looks really interesting and after selling one more Trading Card I'll have enough Steam Funny Money to pick it up.
LaPtiteBete: Good evening, N2T3,
No idea about this game :) it's not really my favourite kind of game...
Angry Viking Owl thank you, you've given me a new forum signature.

Ah well, it's a mostly unknown title but I think I'll take a chance on it for 99 cents of Steam Trading Card Funny Money
l0rdtr3k: Nope,returning from a party.Didn't saw a hole on the pavement and I fell in it.
**keep from laughing, level : hardcore**
,,,',',',,',,',,',' :-| mpffffrtttt
I hope you don't suffer too much ??
I can't walk straight without suffering.You baka!
ddickinson: Good evening!

Glad to hear you are still doing good. What music are you listening to?

Thank you, and it's raining now, which is cooling things down nicely. :-)
Well currently it's Kraftwerk i think (edit: It's indeed Kraftwerk) and before it was Tom Waits :)
That's good - maybe it'll stay a bit cooler the next days :)
Post edited July 07, 2015 by ElTerprise
LaPtiteBete: Haaaa :D
**Enormous tight hug that makes you turn blue**
Yeah, Agent is a wuss :D hihi
And yes, nice day, and nice and relaxing evening..... that's cool. I won't go to bed too late tonight, for a change :D
Tomorrow evening, I have 2 friends (and former colleagues :D) who come to see me and eat sushis... I don't want to be too tired...
How was your day ? aren't you too tired too ?
You are lucky you are my friend and such a lovely lady. A guy once tried to restrain me by pinning my arms, so I head butted him and broke his nose. That got his dirty rat claws off me. :-)

*Kisses Owl while my hands are restrained, and while she is blushing she loosens her tight grip enough for me to get out and give her a big strong and unbreakable Battle Sister hug that is so tight it knocks all her feathers off* Victory is mine! :-)

I am glad to hear you had a lovely day and a relaxing evening. An early night sounds good, and just think of the pretty badge you will get in the morning. :-)

I hope you have a really good time with your friends. I have never really tried sushi, do you like it?

My day was quite long, due to me working late today to make up for the time off I will be having on Wednesday for my medical scans. I am a little tired, but not enough to go to sleep just yet, plus I want to finish some things around the house before I go to bed.

*more big hugs*
xUrsaMajor: I am playing Shadowrun: Dragonfall and also Divinity: Original Sin! Just picked up The Wolf Among Us and Game of Thrones: Telltale Game which I think should be good.
I have Shadowrun and The Wolf Among Us, but not tried them yet ... :)
Any opinion you'd like to share on the first one ?
Post edited July 07, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
*too hot to sleep hugs*
NoNewTaleToTell: I've come across it twice, both times on sale. I didn't pull the trigger on it the first time for some reason but it does look pretty interesting I guess.
That tends to happen quite a lot. But at least you are close to getting it with your Steam money.

ElTerprise: Well currently it's Kraftwerk i think (edit: It's indeed Kraftwerk) and before it was Tom Waits :)
That's good - maybe it'll stay a bit cooler the next days :)
That sounds nice. Have you had a busy day?