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ddickinson: The US wouldn't dare. Germany is not a 3rd World Nation yet. :-)
(Sorry for the bad joke.)
GreenDamsel: I might believe that the US falls first. Looking at you Detroit. :O
Yeah that's a sad but interesting case of 'urban evolution'.
It will come back, hopefully much changed for the better, but it's going to take a very long time.
AgentBirdnest: I'll keep an eye out for a sale. I always like trying point and click adventures... I like trying them too much though, my backlog is growing :-p

That would be the debate over the Confederate battle flag here. I'm willing to listen to anyone... until they call it the "Stars and Bars", which is a totally different flag that most people don't even know exists. That's when I stop listening, because the person is most likely just arguing for the sake of arguing, and has no idea what they are talking about. [/random vent] :-)
Tell you what, I will have a look when I get home and see if I have a spare key for it to gift you. :-)

Edit: Removed my comment, jut in case it caused an argument.
Post edited July 06, 2015 by ddickinson
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Ghosts is awesome, I can't really understand why people hate on it. The story ending was kinda meh other than that the multiplayer is awesome.
l0rdtr3k: Because they didn't bring anything new.It felt more like a MW spinoff riding the popularity of Ghost(RIP).
They brought New maps, new weapons, new elements in the game, what did you expect, it's a first person shooter afterall.
XxXSprayvWarXxX: ...
ghost recon is awesome
yes its awesome :)
Post edited July 06, 2015 by apehater
l0rdtr3k: And I'm saying that I agree with you.AAA games should be more than glorifies Hollywood blockbusters.
Look at the Deus Ex series that deals with important social and political issues in a great way.I think that AAA devs should tackle these issues and be more than action films.
As long as they keep selling, they won't stop doing it, why would they? Eventually if things change they will slowly change as well, but as long as it's profitable over all, they will keep doing it.

EndreWhiteMane: Yeah that's a sad but interesting case of 'urban evolution'.
It will come back, hopefully much changed for the better, but it's going to take a very long time.
What is stopping other cities doing the same? Has this not set precedent for others to follow suit and just declare themselves bankrupt?
XxXSprayvWarXxX: ...
ghost recon is awesome
apehater: yes its awesome :)
Um, I posted that long time ago.
apehater: yes its awesome :)
I see what you did there and i'd agree :)
apehater: yes its awesome :)
ElTerprise: I see what you did there and i'd agree :)
Yes it is, I have it ;)
ddickinson: Tell you what, I will have a look when I get home and see if I have a spare key for it to gift you. :-)

I have never heard the flag called "Stars and Bars" before, although I admit to not really knowing much about the whole subject. To me it seems silly to blame it all on a flag. I mean, do they actually teach history in the US?
I think that if I ever decide to start doing awful things, I'm going to make sure to hoist a flag of Mickey Mouse every time, just in the idle hope that all things Disney-related will be banned.

(Also, I'm now thinking about my idea for the sequel to Bambi where the dead mother comes back as a zombie and murders the hunters. Best idea for a cartoon movie that I'll never get to see...)

Additional - Don't get wrapped up in hero worship, use your big boy/girl brain to find out if the person you thought was great wasn't actually a piece of shit, combat stupidity and intolerance instead of worrying about pieces of fabric, and religion is hateful garbage that harms people endlessly, so it should be banned in all forms. ;)
Post edited July 06, 2015 by CarrionCrow
l0rdtr3k: And I'm saying that I agree with you.AAA games should be more than glorifies Hollywood blockbusters.
Look at the Deus Ex series that deals with important social and political issues in a great way.I think that AAA devs should tackle these issues and be more than action films.
ddickinson: As long as they keep selling, they won't stop doing it, why would they? Eventually if things change they will slowly change as well, but as long as it's profitable over all, they will keep doing it.

EndreWhiteMane: Yeah that's a sad but interesting case of 'urban evolution'.
It will come back, hopefully much changed for the better, but it's going to take a very long time.
ddickinson: What is stopping other cities doing the same? Has this not set precedent for others to follow suit and just declare themselves bankrupt?
Detroit was dependent on one industry, when that failed the entire city failed.
Hopefully this will not be the case elsewhere.
Several other large cities are reaching critical mass finance and infrastructure wise though, only time will tell.
CarrionCrow: I think that if I ever decide to start doing awful things, I'm going to make sure to hoist a flag of Mickey Mouse every time, just in the idle hope that all things Disney-related will be banned.

(Also, I'm now thinking about my idea for the sequel to Bambi where the dead mother comes back as a zombie and murders the hunters. Best idea for a cartoon movie that I'll never get to see...)
I meant no offence with my comment, which is why I removed it above. I have no real right to comment on the whole flag thing, I was just sharing the view of someone who is not directly involved (not an American).
l0rdtr3k: *hugs Agent*Hello!
*big squishy return hug for the little Blob* :-)
ElTerprise: I see. So they mix up the actualy national flag of the CSA with the Dixie Flag? I think many people do that mistake actually but in such a debate the people arguing should avoid that....
Exactly. When someone says "Stars and Bars", my mind automatically thinks of the CSA flag, and I get confused. I don't think it would be too much to ask for people to know the name of what they are arguing about... [/US history nerd]
ddickinson: Tell you what, I will have a look when I get home and see if I have a spare key for it to gift you. :-)
Aw... you are too nice ;-)
You realize that if you do have one, I'd have no choice but to accept, and reorganize my entire lineup of "currently playing" games? That would be an awful lot of work for me :-p
(In any case, I really appreciate the effort :-))
ddickinson: Please don't misunderstand me, I am not having a go at people who like, buy, and play AAA games. That is fine, but some of the AAA titles are horrible. No need to be sorry for buying and playing games you enjoy. Like when you worry people will mind you like console games, so do I, granted I have never owned a console since the PS2, but I still love playing it. Games are games, no matter what system. If you have fun, that is all that counts.
l0rdtr3k: And I'm saying that I agree with you.AAA games should be more than glorifies Hollywood blockbusters.
Look at the Deus Ex series that deals with important social and political issues in a great way.I think that AAA devs should tackle these issues and be more than action films.
I like both. I just think that people just be realistic about things. I heard people claim that CoD. AW was "groundbreaking regarding story telling", because Kevin Spacey was in it. That's wrong. It's a 6 hour entertainment flick with a lot of explosions. It's like calling "The Expendables" a movie with a revolutionary narrative.
Sometimes I want to relax. Then I start some games like Prince of Persia, where I just float along. Other times I want to be challenged on a mechanical level. Then I play DotA or back in the day DoW2 or SC2 (or even further: Wc3, SCBW)
Sometimes I want to be challenged morally. Then I play Witcher 3 or Deus Ex or Spec Ops.
Or I want to live through an adventure and boot up stuff like Banner Saga.

There's stuff for everyone. But people just need to be honest about what is what and not let buyer's bias get the best of them. Let them be glorified Hollywood blockbusters. That's ok.
I hate people that are like "Ugh so uncultured. There's no ominous plot twist and the characters are one dimensional." - " If I want to play Duke Nukem, I do not want to wrap my head around some giant 5000 pages worth of character development. I worked 10 hours that day and I just want to relax and turn of my brain."
AgentBirdnest: Exactly. When someone says "Stars and Bars", my mind automatically thinks of the CSA flag, and I get confused. I don't think it would be too much to ask for people to know the name of what they are arguing about... [/US history nerd]
I agree and i must admit that i never heard the Stars and Bars before although i knew the CSA flag already...:)
ddickinson: I meant no offence with my comment, which is why I removed it above. I have no real right to comment on the whole flag thing, I was just sharing the view of someone who is not directly involved (not an American).
Don't let my hysterical laughter fool you, I'm actually intensely offended. Honest!