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EndreWhiteMane: Detroit was dependent on one industry, when that failed the entire city failed.
Hopefully this will not be the case elsewhere.
Several other large cities are reaching critical mass finance and infrastructure wise though, only time will tell.
Hopefully the US will be able to avoid that. It can't be nice for the people living their to have little to no jobs or security.

AgentBirdnest: Aw... you are too nice ;-)
You realize that if you do have one, I'd have no choice but to accept, and reorganize my entire lineup of "currently playing" games? That would be an awful lot of work for me :-p
(In any case, I really appreciate the effort :-))
Why would you have to reorganise your lineup? There would be no rush to play it. Feel free to add it to your backlog.

CarrionCrow: Don't let my hysterical laughter fool you, I'm actually intensely offended. Honest!
I know, I was just making that comment in case some others where. I don't want to cause any argument in our lovely thread due to people getting carried away over controversial topics. The American regulars here have always come off as very smart and open minded, so I don't really worry about sharing an opinion normally.
Post edited July 06, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: Why would you have to reorganise your lineup? There would be no rush to play it. Feel free to add it to your backlog.
Because I get so excited about gifts that I can't contain myself, and must play them immediately ;-p
AgentBirdnest: Because I get so excited about gifts that I can't contain myself, and must play them immediately ;-p
Okay, but don't ever feel like you have to play a game I gift you straight away. It can sit on your backlog for ages for all I care, as long as it's a game you want to play then it doesn't matter when you get around to playing it.
ddickinson: I know, I was just making that comment in case some others where. I don't want to cause any argument in our lovely thread due to people getting carried away over controversial topics. The American regulars here have always come off as very smart and open minded, so I don't really worry about sharing an opinion normally.
It's okay. I already took your initial statement, edited it so nothing would be attributed to you, then came up with a far more inflammatory way of saying it. =)
*tired hugs and waves*
Post edited July 06, 2015 by moonshineshadow
moonshineshadow: *tired hugs and waves*
-bloodshot waves in return-
CarrionCrow: It's okay. I already took your initial statement, edited it so nothing would be attributed to you, then came up with a far more inflammatory way of saying it. =)
Thank you. I just saw, a very interesting way or wording it. :-)

moonshineshadow: *tired hugs and waves*
*big energising hug*

Are you back home now?

If you makes you feel any better, I am at work late tonight. :-(
moonshineshadow: *tired hugs and waves*
ddickinson: *big energising hug*

Are you back home now?

If you makes you feel any better, I am at work late tonight. :-(
*big return hug* Yeah, I went home earlier despite the work that still needs to be done, I just could not stand the temperature in my office anymore and my headache was killing me.
Huh? Why should it make me feel better? It is not nice that you need to work late *extra big hug*
ddickinson: Okay, but don't ever feel like you have to play a game I gift you straight away. It can sit on your backlog for ages for all I care, as long as it's a game you want to play then it doesn't matter when you get around to playing it.
Of course. I can only speak for myself, but I never expect someone to play a gift right away. That is too much pressure, and the game might not be enjoyed as much if it is being rushed. It's a gift, the person can do what they like when they like :-)
For me, it is usually the case that I just get so excited that I literally can't wait to give it a spin :-)
moonshineshadow: *big return hug* Yeah, I went home earlier despite the work that still needs to be done, I just could not stand the temperature in my office anymore and my headache was killing me.
Huh? Why should it make me feel better? It is not nice that you need to work late *extra big hug*
I can understand that. And it should make you feel better as at least you are home now, that should cheer you up a little. You could be stuck out like me all day. :-)

(I am working late to make up for the time I will need to take off on Wednesday for my next set of scans.)

*big return hug*

AgentBirdnest: Of course. I can only speak for myself, but I never expect someone to play a gift right away. That is too much pressure, and the game might not be enjoyed as much if it is being rushed. It's a gift, the person can do what they like when they like :-)
For me, it is usually the case that I just get so excited that I literally can't wait to give it a spin :-)
It's not a very long game, and it's split into episodes, so you can always play it in nice chunks. Although I played it all in one go.
And here is some birthday cake for us all to enjoy. :-)
moonshineshadow: *big return hug* Yeah, I went home earlier despite the work that still needs to be done, I just could not stand the temperature in my office anymore and my headache was killing me.
Huh? Why should it make me feel better? It is not nice that you need to work late *extra big hug*
ddickinson: I can understand that. And it should make you feel better as at least you are home now, that should cheer you up a little. You could be stuck out like me all day. :-)

(I am working late to make up for the time I will need to take off on Wednesday for my next set of scans.)

*big return hug*
*big hug* You are right, I am glad to be home. I could not handle working outside all day in this weather. The heat alone is already troublesome enough to handle.

ddickinson: And here is some birthday cake for us all to enjoy. :-)
I am getting a sugar shock just by looking at that o.O
Post edited July 06, 2015 by moonshineshadow
moonshineshadow: *big hug* You are right, I am glad to be home. I could not handle working outside all day in this weather. The heat alone is already troublesome enough to handle.

I am getting a sugar shock just by looking at that o.O
We do still have a nice breeze here, but it's not perfect, and it's still hot, especially out in the direct sun. I would hate to not have this breeze, which is why I have been keeping it to myself and not sharing it. :-)

But you have to have a slice, I am a full one year old on the forum now, so we have to have some cake. :-)

*sugar shock hug*
Post edited July 06, 2015 by ddickinson
moonshineshadow: *big hug* You are right, I am glad to be home. I could not handle working outside all day in this weather. The heat alone is already troublesome enough to handle.
This morning we had the pleasure of a rainstorm here.
The first problem was that the heat came quickly and made everything extra humid and damp.

The second problem was that I left my window next to my bed open over night and woke up a little startled. And wet.
moonshineshadow: *big hug* You are right, I am glad to be home. I could not handle working outside all day in this weather. The heat alone is already troublesome enough to handle.

I am getting a sugar shock just by looking at that o.O
ddickinson: We do still have a nice breeze here, but it's not perfect, and it's still hot, especially out in the direct sun. I would hate to not have this breeze, which is why I have been keeping it to myself and not sharing it. :-)

But you have to have a slice, I am a full one year old on the forum now, so we have to have some cake. :-)

*sugar shock hug*
*extra big hug* Since you are working outside it is good that there is a breeze.

And good that it is a virtual cake or else I would have needed to decline ;-)