EndreWhiteMane: I think have all of them, though some are still on VHS, which I can play.
I get them all mixed up and just tend to remember highlights.
Reminds me of a scene from Crystal Skulls, still need to find out if gunpowder is really magnetic.
I don't think so. :-)
Edit: On second thought that wasn't Crystal Skulls. :(
Huh...i thought that was in Crystal Skulls. Right at the beginning at the Area 51-thingy...and i don't think that it is magnetic.
All of the movies did make a lot of mistakes - it's movie-logic... :)
tinyE: I love 'Temple' but it wasn't a movie, it was a two hour action sequence. :P As a result I would imagine it is the more fun of the Indy Lego games which I'm starting right now.
I like that description :).
Actually can't remember the 'Temple of Doom' part from the Lego Indy game. But Lego Indiana Jones is fantastic anyway :)