ElTerprise: Good morning *big hug*
Actually i think it's Finns :)
Doing good here - what about you?
Good morning! *return hug*
Finns you say? Sounds plausible, but I think I will stay with Finnish. :-)
Glad to hear you are doing good. I am doing great.
And while I have you and Moon here, we have something to tell you. Since me and Moon could not decide which of us would be the gifting leader (and having all that responsibility looming over us), we decided you are now the gifting leader. So from hence forth you are the thread gifting leader. :-)
moonshineshadow: Still quite busy... and the simulation does not do what I want, but some strange things instead
*more hugs*
Strange. I was just reading about some tornadoes in the US and some other nasty weather patters around the world, and here you are with your failed simulation. So you are working on a weather device for Owl? Finally we know what to expect, we can begin the preparations for our defence. The Owl Empress will never succeed in her conquest of the stars! :-)
Sorry to hear it is not going as planned. Do you think you will be able to get the problem sorted?
P.S. I told ELT about our decision and that he is now the gifting leader. :-)
*energising and good luck fixing the simulation hug*