Stilton: Life's pretty good. Mini V is having major trouble with Corel Paint-something-or-other, something their help desk are too lame brained to cure, so I'll probably reinstall her system tomorrow. Drastic, yes, but if the inside of her computer is anything like the state of her bedroom its storm trooper time. I tell her to keep the thing as healthy as possible, junk anything she doesn't want and virus check but it still clogs like a huge hair ball.
How's life in the Peanut Butter state?
Ah... Corel. Good memories. I wasn't much of an artist, I just liked to play around with it when I was younger :-)
Good luck with that probable endeavor tomorrow. Hope it is relatively painless. I need to do the same for my brother's computer very soon. (I keep telling him that having 31 tabs at once open in Firefox will make things slower, but he never listens :-p)
Plenty of peanut butter here, as always ;-) ... Been fighting a cold for a few days, but I am finally kicking its arse. Other than that, I'm feeling quite good. Happy, enjoying life, all that crap... and quite massively excited about the big supreme court decision in the Sates today :-)
ElTerprise: That's great news but it apparently means that the wedding is off ;)
Doing good here and i'm pretty much without toothache since yesterday evening which is great.
Hah... Yes, indeed ;-D We just couldn't make it work... I wanted to go outside and be able to breathe clearly, and she wanted to murder me in my sleep...
That's great to hear! Hope it will leave you alone :-)
FearfulSymmetry: Hey everyone, how are you? I'm doing well, my Honours graduation day turned out to be pretty good.
Evenoon, Fearful. That's good to hear :-)
doing pretty well here too!