j0ekerr: I have yet to play the first 2, but I've read critiques by people who have played all fallout games and they all agree, the storytelling experience in the first 2 is superior by whole orders of magnitude.
Totalbiscuit said it better than I could, Bethesda is very good at creating worlds, but not necessarily at populating them.
Is it Fallout that has a new game out this year that has everyone excited?
GhostwriterDoF: If we keep constructively complaining as they re-construct the website, I think things will get sorted out, and be a better site in the end, as long as we continue to guide the changes (as much as possible).
I'm fine, whilst I was hiding from the sale I spent a lot of time cooking and doing things offline (and off the computer) that needed to get done. Plus I have lots of reading through my notes for the books. There is literally thousands of short stories I have to go through... heh! but the work is coming along, slow but sure. ;)
How have you been doing? Are you taking care to take care of yourself? Getting some good sleep in?
What makes you think GOG listens to us or cares what we have to say? :-)
That sounds like a very enjoyable time. It must be nice reading through some of your works. My partner loves to write, both stories and poems, and I think she is very good. Glad to hear you are doing fine.
I am okay, not feeling too good (not sure why, maybe a bug?), my weekend could have been better (specifically my time at the children's hospice), but other than that no complains.