Good day, folks!
Is everyone going into the weekend in a good mood?
Mine is, compared to the previous days. My friend's treatment was approved! It's still unclear if the total cost is covered, but it's definitely a step forwards. The sad news is that it'll take another week or so before the official documents are sent to her, and she cannot schedule the procedure until then. The good news is that she's been told that there are no waiting lists. A safe guess is that it'll take until the end of the month before she's admitted.
ddickinson: No real reason. I guess that being on a forum and thread that is predominantly male, I often default to referring to people online as he. I also tend to associate men having more male friends than female, so subconsciously I must have figured it a safe bet to say
he. Of course men can have male and female friends. I am sorry if I caused any offence, that was definitely not my intent.
No offence taken, just curious as I'm in the "they" camp when unsure or rather not disclose gender.
moonshineshadow: Nah you did not miss anything. There was nothing I wrote.
ok, that is a very good reason to skip the hentai stuff :D
They could still pick up a trick or two though. ;-)