ElTerprise: Good morning *big hug*
Don't worry - i'm not a lying in the sun person and the sun is nowhere to be seen here anyway...
Glad to here that you're doing good - I'm okay, didn't sleep very well...
I think i'll be working on the paper and then having sports in the evening.
From what I hear, no sun would not stop the Germans taking the sun loungers. :-)
Another one who did not sleep well. Maybe the thread is cursed. :-)
Good luck with the paper, and hopefully you will have lots of fun with your sports.
*return hug*
PalioDeMonte: Well, 'many' can be anything - we would consider selling 300 in the first months a phenomenal success, I think. We're not the kind of publisher you can find among the amazon top 100 ;)
That's true. Hopefully you will sell quite a few.
LaPtiteBete: Hey, DD :D
How are you doing ?
What ?.... another German Invasion ? ... :-| oh, no, not again !!!
Ho, yes, a club sounds a nice idea... Well... I promise I'll try to sleep better !! (do I have to sign a document, or something ?)
**Big caffeinated hug back** I am doing great, for the most part. The weather is not too good today, but that's okay. I have a nice massage to look forward to when I get home, with cherry scented oils. So I get to go home, relax, get a nice full body massage, give my partner a nice massage, and smell like cherries for the rest of the evening. :-)
Did they ever stop the first invasion? It's a bit like the First World War. They tried, they know they can't win, but lord knows they will drag it on for a long as possible. I blame the German sub-forum. :-)
No documents to sign, we will take your work of honour as a French lady.
*Big I don't like coffee or caffeinated drinks hug*