gunsynd: Got Shadowrun,now to delete Steam version:-)
EndreWhiteMane: Good one, I hear it's a great game. Haven't had a chance to try it yet.
It's not bad,and need to spend another $5 to get Xen.Us Aussie's need to spend $65+
to equal the $50 freebies.
gunsynd: Got Shadowrun,now to delete Steam version:-)
Ixamyakxim: Dragonfall was one of my big pickups of the sale. LOVED Returns, don't know what took me so long to grab this one. Also, I no longer have the "didn't buyer's regrets" (this must only happen on GoG ;) ) of passing on the (then expansion) sale of Dragonfall for all of like $5... that was later upgraded to the snazzy new standalone supreme version!
I missed it the first couple of times,because I wasn't that interested in it.Then decided
to play it and realized it was only Steam version,then decided to buy it here and nearly did
the other day for $19+ but decided to hang off a bit until the end of the sales.