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superstande: Eeevvning goggers! :p

Read in a book about Relaxation that listening to music for about ten minutes is good, listening and nothing else... so I found some Classical music collection from youtube... and listenened, and did nothing else... so ... I fell asleep! :) A good hour of sleep!
Can't argue with that book now! :)

Endre, that Slitherine's Distant Worlds Universe seems like a nice thing. Almost too overwhelming! :)
Well.. Happy world buildings for you !! :p
Aloha superstande, hope all is well with you.
Only listening to music puts me to sleep too. :-)
superstande: Eeevvning goggers! :p

Read in a book about Relaxation that listening to music for about ten minutes is good, listening and nothing else... so I found some Classical music collection from youtube... and listenened, and did nothing else... so ... I fell asleep! :) A good hour of sleep!
Can't argue with that book now! :)

Endre, that Slitherine's Distant Worlds Universe seems like a nice thing. Almost too overwhelming! :)
Well.. Happy world buildings for you !! :p
EndreWhiteMane: Aloha superstande, hope all is well with you.
Only listening to music puts me to sleep too. :-)
music+pot and/or booze=good nap for me.
superstande: Eeevvning goggers! :p

Read in a book about Relaxation that listening to music for about ten minutes is good, listening and nothing else... so I found some Classical music collection from youtube... and listenened, and did nothing else... so ... I fell asleep! :) A good hour of sleep!
Can't argue with that book now! :)

Endre, that Slitherine's Distant Worlds Universe seems like a nice thing. Almost too overwhelming! :)
Well.. Happy world buildings for you !! :p
EndreWhiteMane: Aloha superstande, hope all is well with you.
Only listening to music puts me to sleep too. :-)
Aloha! :) I'm doing fine. A book came by mail today, happy with that!
I think taking a nap once in a while is an important skill. I intend to cultivate this magnificent Art for the rest of my life, so one day, perhaps, I may become a Master of Naps! :p
EndreWhiteMane: Aloha superstande, hope all is well with you.
Only listening to music puts me to sleep too. :-)
superstande: Aloha! :) I'm doing fine. A book came by mail today, happy with that!
I think taking a nap once in a while is an important skill. I intend to cultivate this magnificent Art for the rest of my life, so one day, perhaps, I may become a Master of Naps! :p
You'd have to get by me for that title. :p
EndreWhiteMane: Aloha superstande, hope all is well with you.
Only listening to music puts me to sleep too. :-)
pimpmonkey2382.313: music+pot and/or booze=good nap for me.
Well you are lucky!
For me drinking usually leads me to some exhausting partying and it takes a whole another day to cure me of a hang-over... So I kind of avoid it, unless there is a Good Reason (tm) :P
pimpmonkey2382.313: music+pot and/or booze=good nap for me.
superstande: Well you are lucky!
For me drinking usually leads me to some exhausting partying and it takes a whole another day to cure me of a hang-over... So I kind of avoid it, unless there is a Good Reason (tm) :P
The weekend is always a good reason. :p
superstande: Aloha! :) I'm doing fine. A book came by mail today, happy with that!
I think taking a nap once in a while is an important skill. I intend to cultivate this magnificent Art for the rest of my life, so one day, perhaps, I may become a Master of Naps! :p
pimpmonkey2382.313: You'd have to get by me for that title. :p
Aaah... Well there's no need for fighting; you could be the Ultimate Master of Naps, who lets others graduate with Masters Papers :)
Naps caused the others to nap.
So how we doing in here?
Ixamyakxim: So how we doing in here?
We're fairly sleepy. :p
Ixamyakxim: So how we doing in here?
pimpmonkey2382.313: We're fairly sleepy. :p
Hey I kept meaning to thank you and TinyE for your diligence a few days ago! That's all that need be said for fear of reawakening the beast.
pimpmonkey2382.313: We're fairly sleepy. :p
Ixamyakxim: Hey I kept meaning to thank you and TinyE for your diligence a few days ago! That's all that need be said for fear of reawakening the beast.
No need to thank me, I'm sure tinye feels the same way also. :)
*hugs and waves*

My wife's birthday... had barbecue... I'm slowly getting a little tipsy :-)

Just put the kids to sleep, now I have to wait until they actually sleep until I can rejoin the guests down in the garden yard.
toxicTom: *hugs and waves*

My wife's birthday... had barbecue... I'm slowly getting a little tipsy :-)

Just put the kids to sleep, now I have to wait until they actually sleep until I can rejoin the guests down in the garden yard.
Nice, have fun, tell her I said happy birthday. :p
pimpmonkey2382.313: Naps caused the others to nap.
Hell, I was actively trying to not nap and ended up napping.