FearfulSymmetry: If my hair cooperates. :P Knee-length hair would be awesome but I'm not sure my hair will grow that long. And it might be terrible to get it to behave. :P
I could imagine it being a handful to get it how you like it and to behave, but let's hope you can get it to the length you are hoping for. Then we just need to find you a tall tower where you can await your prince charming to come and climb you hair and rescue you. :-)
LaPtiteBete: Ho... so you lie to us :) you're not doing "great" as usual... not "as" great ?... is there anything we can do to cheer you up ?... at least we can keep you company and make up for your lack of pretty assistant today... ? :)
**More big comforting happy hugs** Where did I lie? Great is great, despite the level of it. Just as good is good and okay is okay. Thank you for the offer of cheering me up, but it's okay. I am sure I will start to feel my usual great as the day goes on.
I will be fine, I'm just a little bit pissed off today after wasting an hour of my morning for bugger all and coming away still not knowing anything but instead left with more questions. But other than that I am doing good, a busy few hours at work this morning, but the day should not be too bad.
So I have some replacements for my assistant today? Does that mean you want to come for a swim afterwards as well? :-)
*big thank you hug*