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Stilton: Hi folks ;-)

Is everyone good?

Goodnight, sleep well ;-)
superstande: Hello and evening!
That avatar always makes me smile :)

I was just thinking if the main page doesn't bring any more suprises, I might just get a dice or some random number generator and just pick one more game according to the dice throw :p
Hi, super ;-)

He makes me smile, too. Such a serious Viking... He looks like he'd rather be an accountant.

Games by dice throw? It could be amazing or tragic (try it when Hatoful Boyfriend is on the list ;-)) I hope you have the courage of your convictions, or maybe a loaded dice ;-)
moonshineshadow: *big welcome hug* Hello strange viking ;-)
Stilton: ;-) I quite like my new title.... Changing my avatar was a good idea!
Hmm... seems like I need a change in my tactic :P
AgentBirdnest: Good evenoon, everyone! *tips my helmet to everyone, and hugs anyone who wants one*

Here I am again today, making another long and emotional post :-p ... but this one is much different. Much more personal to me, and I just wanted to express my appreciation...

I woke up feeling pretty down today. My head was aching quite badly, and I was having some pretty bad nausea (both are common problems for me. It's nothing new, and is not serious.) As usual, I came to the thread, and when I said that I was only "okay" today, our amazing, lovely, kind and caring Owl immediately wanted to help me... Obviously. That's what she does :-)
She offered to let me PM her (err... "chat") anytime and help take my mind off things. I finally decided to take the offer for once. I'm really overwhelmed at the result... Our wonderful little Owl talked to me all day, very effectively cheering me up, keeping my spirits high, and taking my mind off things. I ended up feeling much better, and being able to ignore my physical problems all day thanks to her :-)
I honestly don't have enough words to express how grateful I am... I wish there were better words... I'm afraid that the best I can come up with is....... Thank you, LaPtiteBete, from the bottom of my heart. You helped me so much today. You are my Guardian Owl :'-) **Biggest, most epic, happy, and crushing thank you hug of all time...**

If everyone could do me a quick favor? ... Please +1 every one of her posts until your fingers bleed, or the internet explodes, or the sun dies... Whichever comes first. Give her plenty of extra awesome hugs too, if you can :-)
( are [url=]a few from today to practice on...)
Ho... wow. Wow. ô__ô

I was just coming out of my cave to read your news... to find this awesomely kind and moving message from my Agent... I... am afraid I have a big lack of words too, now (plus, I have a good -and so barely used n__o- excuse : "I'm French" ! ;-p)...

Thank you so much, AgentB... I'm so glad that you get better ! and honored that you let me "help" you for that (that being said, I didn't do anything special... but... words are helpful, and powerful sometimes).

Thank you for this epic 'thank-you' speech ! (we're getting used to them, beware... I wonder what/who will be your next target ? ;-p). I'm happy and proud to serve as your Guardian Owl ):-| ... I might seem to be joking (because I've always been bad at taking compliments) ; but I care about it... I'll do my best. u__u .You know where to find me... any time.

(I hope nobody bled or lost any finger... hopefully Internet seems to still be working, and the Sun is not likely to die before 4,687,879,238 years... n__o)

**Infinite big-bang hug**
Stilton: I'm good ;-) Currently trying to work my way though some of my games. Its a task I'm approaching with bravery and commitment. I mean, someone's got to do it ;-)
Good to hear :)
You're right. Someone should do it. I believe in you :)
AgentBirdnest: Thanks everyone... I see that Owl's posts were highly rated. Good :-)
moonshineshadow: Of course! We need to get our owl empress more stars and this is just one way ;-)
Thanks everyone for your crazy awesomeness \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
My head is gonna explode....
Guy just called and asked if we had a lake view. When I said 'yes' he said, "Well, can you see the water?"

How does someone like that possess enough brain power to operate a phone!?
Stilton: Sounds like Owl has been feeding you her patented hot chocolate cure all ;-)
AgentBirdnest: Of course... just as it says on the side of the package... "Owl's Legendary Hot Chocolate™ cure headaches, nausea, depression, anxiety, makes hair grow on your chest, builds muscles, and is guaranteed to make you the coolest kid in school B-| ... *Profits definitely do not go toward world domination ... **Owl is not responsible for chocolate overdoses ... Please drink responsibly"
LOL :-D perfect marketing !!!
LaPtiteBete: <snip>
You remember the map picture I talked about? I finished it :-)
So the only question that remains is, how many pictures and comments on them do you want? :P
donau2.gif (99 Kb)
I hope they sort this new page forum lag, its become a pain in the R's...

Stilton: ;-) I quite like my new title.... Changing my avatar was a good idea!
moonshineshadow: Hmm... seems like I need a change in my tactic :P
But I like being called Strange Viking!

And super likes him too, so he's (my avatar) getting a fan club, which means I can't possibly change him now. Think of all the people you'll upset if you keep trying to get the previous one back (and the enemies you'll make if I did change - which I won't, by the way).

This will take some careful thinking, Moon. I wouldn't want your sparkling reputation to be tarnished...
moonshineshadow: Hmm... seems like I need a change in my tactic :P
Stilton: But I like being called Strange Viking!

And super likes him too, so he's (my avatar) getting a fan club, which means I can't possibly change him now. Think of all the people you'll upset if you keep trying to get the previous one back (and the enemies you'll make if I did change - which I won't, by the way).

This will take some careful thinking, Moon. I wouldn't want your sparkling reputation to be tarnished...
Pfff... I bet I could also gather some supporters for changing it back, you strange viking ;-)
LaPtiteBete: <snip>
moonshineshadow: You remember the map picture I talked about? I finished it :-)
So the only question that remains is, how many pictures and comments on them do you want? :P
:-O ... awesome !!!!!
I want loads of pics and comments !!! I want to travel through your epic travel stories !!! :-D haha... I'm kidding... why not, one pic you like the most from each place ? :-D
Thank you very much... wow you must have spent quite a long time on the road... (did you go by car ? were you driving ?)... it looks fantastic... !! (how many km is there between your starting point and the finishing step ?) :-)
tinyE: Guy just called and asked if we had a lake view. When I said 'yes' he said, "Well, can you see the water?"

How does someone like that possess enough brain power to operate a phone!?
"No sir, the lake actually dried up no less than 15 minutes before your poorly timed inquiry..."

Some people are a bit like clocks that only tell you what time it is in a distant country from your own.
It's the same wavelength on the most basic of levels, but otherwise it's all kinds of screwed up.
moonshineshadow: You remember the map picture I talked about? I finished it :-)
So the only question that remains is, how many pictures and comments on them do you want? :P
LaPtiteBete: :-O ... awesome !!!!!
I want loads of pics and comments !!! I want to travel through your epic travel stories !!! :-D haha... I'm kidding... why not, one pic you like the most from each place ? :-D
Thank you very much... wow you must have spent quite a long time on the road... (did you go by car ? were you driving ?)... it looks fantastic... !! (how many km is there between your starting point and the finishing step ?) :-)
We went by car with our caravan so it took some time ;-) But that is why we took three weeks, so that we had enough time :-)
One picture from every place sounds like a good idea (but it might be hard to choose) :D There will be no pictures from the first point (Donaueschingen), because we did not stop there during the holidays.
It is not that far from my parents place, so we have been there before and there are no places for a quick stop when going with the caravan. But I wanted to include it, since it is the source of the Donau. Or at least one possible source ;-) Seems like there are two potential sources and no one can agree which is the correct one, that is the reason why for the river Donau the length measurement starts from the end :D
Post edited June 17, 2015 by moonshineshadow
superstande: Hello and evening!
That avatar always makes me smile :)

I was just thinking if the main page doesn't bring any more suprises, I might just get a dice or some random number generator and just pick one more game according to the dice throw :p
Stilton: Hi, super ;-)

He makes me smile, too. Such a serious Viking... He looks like he'd rather be an accountant.

Games by dice throw? It could be amazing or tragic (try it when Hatoful Boyfriend is on the list ;-)) I hope you have the courage of your convictions, or maybe a loaded dice ;-)
With Hatoful on the main page it would be like playing a strange virtual russian roulette :p
But who knows, maybe I'll find something... I will report back here if I end up taking this "risk" :)
Stilton: But I like being called Strange Viking!

And super likes him too, so he's (my avatar) getting a fan club, which means I can't possibly change him now. Think of all the people you'll upset if you keep trying to get the previous one back (and the enemies you'll make if I did change - which I won't, by the way).

This will take some careful thinking, Moon. I wouldn't want your sparkling reputation to be tarnished...
moonshineshadow: Pfff... I bet I could also gather some supporters for changing it back, you strange viking ;-)
You can somehow make a threat sound like a compliment, which makes me think you don't mind my new avatar after all ;-) My wily Viking skill at seeing through my enemy's defences has made me victorious again! (not that you'll ever be my enemy, you're too nice for that)