LaPtiteBete: Ho... wow. Wow. ô__ô
I was just coming out of my cave to read your news... to find this awesomely kind and moving message from my Agent... I... am afraid I have a big lack of words too, now (plus, I have a good -and so barely used n__o- excuse : "I'm French" ! ;-p)...
Thank you so much, AgentB... I'm so glad that you get better ! and honored that you let me "help" you for that (that being said, I didn't do anything special... but... words are helpful, and powerful sometimes).
Thank you for this epic 'thank-you' speech ! (we're getting used to them, beware... I wonder what/who will be your next target ? ;-p). I'm happy and proud to serve as your Guardian Owl ):-| ... I might seem to be joking (because I've always been bad at taking compliments) ; but I care about it... I'll do my best. u__u .You know where to find me... any time.
(I hope nobody bled or lost any finger... hopefully Internet seems to still be working, and the Sun is not likely to die before 4,687,879,238 years... n__o) **Infinite big-bang hug** Yes, I know you are French n__o ... (I can't believe I didn't use my "I had ECT!" excuse! ;-p)
you Owl, again. I think you do more special stuff than you realize... You are very caring and kind. Don't be modest ;-) ... You're right, words are helpful and powerful.
I'm so happy to have a Guardian Owl... (I know you are not joking. Neither am I :-)) Thanks again, I really appreciate it so much. You helped me infinitely today. I owe you... and you know where to find me, if you ever need someone to talk to. I'm happy to do it.
**Another ridiculously massive thank you hug... with bonus waffles**