ddickinson: Congratulations! That is great news! I bet you are so relieved. How about a reward? Pick something on your wishlist and it shall magic it's way to your chat to celebrate. :-)
Also, me and my partner are visiting the children's hospice this weekend, and they were asking for another Shakespeare play. Do you have any suggestions? Something nice and lively and fun perhaps?
*big happy congratulations hug*
Thank you! I was pretty much shaking as I opened up the results, so yes, it's definitely a great relief! Feels awesome to be done with it. And thank you so much, but that's not necessary. You've already given me loads of great games to play that will keep me busy for quite some time! :)
I don't know if you've done As You Like It already? That one is pretty fun. I've unfortunately not read many of the comedies, for some reason we tend to focus on the tragedies in class.
EDIT: Or A Midsummer Night's dream? I really like that as well, I love the fairytale aspect of it.
*big happy bouncing around hug*
And everyone, please give Moon all the +1s because she sneaked a truly lovely gift into my chat! Thank you so much, Moon! :)