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LaPtiteBete: Good day too ! :) enjoying being at the office, nice weather, and good company...
Can't wait to see my owlet back, hoping she will be in a much better mood than yesterday... wait & see !!
FearfulSymmetry: Good to hear you're doing well! I wasn't much on the thread yesterday, what happened with your owlet?
I didn't tell about it... She was awful. She doesn't listen to/obey me at all... but she does with her dad... which pisses me off more than anything >:-| ... I spend much more time with her than he does, so... I guess she isn't used to hear him yell at her yet... must be that. ):-| ... so now he is convinced that yelling at her is the only way to get things done... which is not cool. Because, as for monkeys, owlet see, owlet do. I don't want to grow a yelling owlet...
LaPtiteBete: I'm certainly not going to tell you about the guy I can't stand, otherwise you'll have a leverage on me, being able to post random videos of his cr*ppy clips to piss me off >:-p
Do you really think I could be that cruel :o
PalioDeMonte: It's 'An awesome wave'.
LaPtiteBete: ... it's an awesome album too ;-p

PalioDeMonte: I usually go to a record store in france or belgium whenever I'm there and try what I like. Don't know what's 'popular' or 'cool' at the moment, just rely on my taste. So I'm always afraid to pick someone the french consider to be annoying - like a french telling me he loves Helene Fischer and thinks it's great german music :P

Well, sometimes I try to read les'inrocks, but as I've never learned french I usually have to guess what they're writing ;)

Who's the guy you can't stand? Any chance I know him?

Edit: Obviously I couldn't post it before because I had misspelled the QUOTE-command. Funny. I would prefer an error message, at all, but at least it's no BSOD :D
LaPtiteBete: It's been a while since I last read les Inrocks... :) (I bought it each time there was David Bowie on the cover ;-p)
The owlet's dad reads "Plugged", which is apparently not bad to make some nice musical discoveries...
I'm certainly not going to tell you about the guy I can't stand, otherwise you'll have a leverage on me, being able to post random videos of his cr*ppy clips to piss me off >:-p
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Hey Bete I'm doing fine too, now studying IT (computers) for my exams tomorrow.
LaPtiteBete: The last ones, if I'm not mistaken ?
FearfulSymmetry: Thank you! I am drinking some alcohol with my housemates tonight to celebrate. :) Yep, it's definitely a good day now! How about you?
LaPtiteBete: Good day too ! :) enjoying being at the office, nice weather, and good company...
Can't wait to see my owlet back, hoping she will be in a much better mood than yesterday... wait & see !!
Yes that tomorrow, and the final is Science on Thursday!

Oh now I saw Mortal Kombat on sale, and I got remind the old good times I played it on Name games on PC
Post edited June 16, 2015 by XxXSprayvWarXxX
LaPtiteBete: I'm certainly not going to tell you about the guy I can't stand, otherwise you'll have a leverage on me, being able to post random videos of his cr*ppy clips to piss me off >:-p
PalioDeMonte: Do you really think I could be that cruel :o
Aaaaw.... of course not. Only the owlet's dad is that cruel... plus, he can send videos from his mobile phone directly on our TV screen, from any spot of the house, under cover... and I end up forced to watch this guy-I-hate lame music videos, while I was peacefully enjoying a movie or tv-show... >:-| groumpf !!!
PalioDeMonte: Do you really think I could be that cruel :o
LaPtiteBete: Aaaaw.... of course not. Only the owlet's dad is that cruel... plus, he can send videos from his mobile phone directly on our TV screen, from any spot of the house, under cover... and I end up forced to watch this guy-I-hate lame music videos, while I was peacefully enjoying a movie or tv-show... >:-| groumpf !!!
Hopefully you didn't get rick rolled.
LaPtiteBete: I didn't tell about it... She was awful. She doesn't listen to/obey me at all... but she does with her dad... which pisses me off more than anything >:-| ... I spend much more time with her than he does, so... I guess she isn't used to hear him yell at her yet... must be that. ):-| ... so now he is convinced that yelling at her is the only way to get things done... which is not cool. Because, as for monkeys, owlet see, owlet do. I don't want to grow a yelling owlet...
Ugh, hopefully it's just a phase. And yep, you definitely don't want her to yell everytime she wants something. Hopefully things will work out a bit better soon.
LaPtiteBete: Aaaaw.... of course not. Only the owlet's dad is that cruel... plus, he can send videos from his mobile phone directly on our TV screen, from any spot of the house, under cover... and I end up forced to watch this guy-I-hate lame music videos, while I was peacefully enjoying a movie or tv-show... >:-| groumpf !!!
pimpmonkey2382.313: Hopefully you didn't get rick rolled.
I guess the effect is quite the same. No... wait. This Rick Roll guy seems much more funny !! ^^
LaPtiteBete: I still haven't any idea how to steal these stars... ):-| ... I count on Moon to design me a badass weapon, a stealing machine or something...
great, about your "pretty assistant" :-D at least you're in good company, your working day should pass more quickly... and hopefully she'll get your mind off things
(It's been a few days... I would call them too... wait and uncertainty can be so stressful...)
Have a nice day, DD !
**Bigger happier hugs**
I am sure Moon will have a device ready for you in no time. What else does she have to do while locked deep down in your dungeon? :-)

My day is passing quickly, and has been lovely so far, it's also a beautifully sunny summers day. My lovely assistant is great company, and definitely has ways of distracting me and taking my mind of things. ;-)

I gave them a call, and a doctor is due to call me back sometime today. I have been waiting since last week, but due to the anomalies on the results they had to recheck them, and since then I have heard nothing. Hopefully I will find out today when the doctor calls.

I hope you are having a lovely day?

*lots and lots of big summer hugs, and some tasty strawberries that I have left over from my lunch (do you like strawberries?)*

FearfulSymmetry: I got an 8 for my bachelor's thesis! Yay! Goodbye to stress! (For the moment. :P)
Congratulations! That is great news! I bet you are so relieved. How about a reward? Pick something on your wishlist and it shall magic it's way to your chat to celebrate. :-)

Also, me and my partner are visiting the children's hospice this weekend, and they were asking for another Shakespeare play. Do you have any suggestions? Something nice and lively and fun perhaps?

*big happy congratulations hug*
ddickinson: I am sure Moon will have a device ready for you in no time. What else does she have to do while locked deep down in your dungeon? :-)

My day is passing quickly, and has been lovely so far, it's also a beautifully sunny summers day. My lovely assistant is great company, and definitely has ways of distracting me and taking my mind of things. ;-)

I gave them a call, and a doctor is due to call me back sometime today. I have been waiting since last week, but due to the anomalies on the results they had to recheck them, and since then I have heard nothing. Hopefully I will find out today when the doctor calls.

I hope you are having a lovely day?

*lots and lots of big summer hugs, and some tasty strawberries that I have left over from my lunch (do you like strawberries?)*
Hey, wait a minute. Moon is not locked in my dungeon, she if free as a bird ):-| She is my favorite Evil Mad Scientist, not my prisoner...
Good to hear about your lovely day... !! I hope it will stay like this indefinitely :)
Ho, good... I wish he calls you back really quickly now... enough waited !...
My day is quite peaceful, and quite pleasant so far, yes ; thanks... nothing to complain about... :)
Hmmmmm... Strawberries !! :-D',',,' I love them. (hey, look : I even found some funny owl strawberries !!)
**Huge amount of more sunny and warm happy hugs for our lovely Wonder-DD**
LaPtiteBete: Hey, wait a minute. Moon is not locked in my dungeon, she if free as a bird ):-| She is my favorite Evil Mad Scientist, not my prisoner...
Good to hear about your lovely day... !! I hope it will stay like this indefinitely :)
Ho, good... I wish he calls you back really quickly now... enough waited !...
My day is quite peaceful, and quite pleasant so far, yes ; thanks... nothing to complain about... :)
Hmmmmm... Strawberries !! :-D',',,' I love them. (hey, look : I even found some funny owl strawberries !!)
**Huge amount of more sunny and warm happy hugs for our lovely Wonder-DD**
We all know she is your prisoner, forced to work on your evil machines. If she doesn't then you will release those naked pictures Endre took of her during her nudist holiday. You evil vilenesses love blackmail. :-)

Sadly my pretty assistant is only here for today, but that's okay. It was a very lovely surprise and has made my day all happy and nice.

I am due to get a call before 5pm, but hopefully sooner.

Those are some awesome looking strawberries. I will show my partner them, I am sure she would like to try making something like that when we get home. :-)

*big lovely return hug for the awesome Owl*
Hello everyone!

I hope you're all having a great day so far!

Mine is great, GREAT I SAY! :D
Soccorro: Hello everyone!

I hope you're all having a great day so far!

Mine is great, GREAT I SAY! :D
It's Tuesday. How great can a Tuesday be?
Soccorro: Hello everyone!

I hope you're all having a great day so far!

Mine is great, GREAT I SAY! :D
GreenDamsel: It's Tuesday. How great can a Tuesday be?
really great? :D still 3 days until the weekend! 3 day of work left! WEEE! :D
Anybody else still waiting for his 'torrent of surprises'...?
PalioDeMonte: Anybody else still waiting for his 'torrent of surprises'...?
torrent of surprises?