EndreWhiteMane: Nope, that's
Spot the Old Hairy Guy. :-)
Finally did stop raining after over 3" fell.
Doing OK here.
Have you tried counting pizzas or something? (Counting sheep would be like you were working) :/
ddickinson: I'm not sure, that guy sure does look a little looney wearing that fur collar during summer. :-)
Glad to hear the rain stopped. Are you due to get more, or will the sun come back out for a while?
I usually just try to relax in bed, but the problem is it just gives my brain more time to think while I am lying there. At least I get something pretty to look at while I am string to get some sleep, so it's not all bad :-). But I get kind of impatient. I could be doing things instead of just lying there trying to get some sleep.
I know the feeling, I have tried to will myself to sleep many times, with little success.
I have found that focusing on a pleasant thought or memory can be helpful at times though.
Sun should be back for a bit tomorrow they say.