EndreWhiteMane: Discounts weren't showing up for the first minutes, thus the full price listings.
Let me guess HLM2 and SEGA?
No, I was stupid enough to buy Hotline Miami 2 already. Only bright spot to that is that I did it through GOG.
Was referring to EA. Figuring they're even worse than Sega at this point. Sega's been a joke 95 percent of the time for years, there's hardly ever any reason to even consider renting one of their games.
Only item I've seen from them that looks like it's worth a damn is Valkyria Chronicles.
Everything else? Garbage.
Additional - Hey, look, there's the good Fallout stuff...the stuff that should still be on GOG.
Thanks for reminding me to laugh when you go out of business, Bethesda. ;)
Won't even buy original Doom from those shitbags. No desire to pay for so much as a single cup of shitty coffee for a single employee.