EndreWhiteMane: Let's try another one. Any comments on the Walking Dead series?
It depends. If you can lose yourself in the emotional aspects of it, what they're trying to do, it's pretty good.
BUT. If you start noticing the seams and pick at them, it starts going sideways in a hurry, enough to annoy in season 1, enough to throw the whole thing off the rails in season 2.
Also, 400 Days is really a bit part of the story. It might seem like it's important somehow, but in the end it really isn't.
If you're going to pick just one of the Telltale offerings, either Walking Dead or Wolf Among Us, I'd say go with Wolf Among Us. I rented Walking Dead, played them both, and that's it. No desire to go back whatsoever.
CarrionCrow: How're things going on your end?
BillyMaysFan59: Other than my main laptop being sort of dead, and me trying to shop for a new one, nothing to complain about really.
That's pretty big, sorry to hear it. Hopefully you'll be able to find one you're happy with and not have it cost you an arm and a leg.