adaliabooks: Right. I bought The Banner Saga. Can't say much fairer than £3.29.
I know there will probably be an abundance of STALKER codes floating about once the sale is done, so it may not be easy to give away, but I don't know whether it's my kind of game or not.
What's STALKER like as far as scariness?
I love The Banner Saga. Dare I say best game on GoG?
Also, I played the first STALKER. It *is* creepy at times, and while there aren't too many traditional jump scares there are a few invisible enemies, dark abandoned towns and crumbling underground ruins. Hell, even hearing a closing pack of dogs when you're poorly equiped is "scary" in a gameplay sense.
HOWEVER - I have seen Sachys telling people NOT to play CS if they have any remote interest in the STALKER series. It is a complete and utter spoiler for multiple endings of Shadow of Chernobyl. So if you wanted to play SoC, maybe hold off on playing CS for a while.