ddickinson: I am not sure I will be able to. After I got a little carried away this time, my partner will make sure I behave next time. :-)
Definitely don't feel forced to do anything! You've been so incredibly generous to so many people already, and gifts are not necessary, we just like spending time with you. :)
Ixamyakxim: Yup just edited my post to reflect the fact that I figured that out LOL! Even if it isn't on the front page, doesn't mean it isn't there!
Haha, glad you found it. :P
LaPtiteBete: ..... (we have crocodiles ? o__o .... awesome...)
I'm not angry at all... this sale and your nice company are more than enough to get rid of any grudge :-D
**Big hands-off-my-feet-I'm-too-ticklish hug** Yes, it's quite warm now (it was chilly in the morning), so maybe you'll enjoy some higher temperatures in the evening (?) [/weather forecast fail]
I can't enjoy it too much... except from my bank account point of view... :D
(We do now! Shh, it's a secret. :P)
*big hug* Are you ticklish? *secretly tickles*
Who knows? It would be nice, it really is kind of chilly today. :)
Yep, I know that nagging little voice inside your head telling you you're spending too much ...