CarrionCrow: Hmm. Fiddled around with the settings and managed to get a clearer picture. Just reposted it.
penumbren: That would drive me bonkers. Although I find the downloads in the picture amusing, since I just bought and downloaded all three Star Control games myself. (In fact, the SC 3 install screen just popped up at me. :)
When I did my massive downloading a few months ago, I went alphabetically because I kept getting interrupted and it would've driven me batshit insane trying to keep track of where I was at. I've been much better since then at downloading immediately after purchase and moving to my external drive every so often.
That's the thing. Doing A to Z drives me nuts, so I had to think of a different way to do it.
-laughs- Good timing on the Star Control. In my case, I had the first two, and Endre very kindly gifted me Star Control 3 today.
I had everything downloaded, but with the installer switches, I started feeling like it still wasn't up to date.
So I nuked my entire archive and started over. Now on day 20 of rebuilding it.
Just completed 704 of 880. Only 176 to go. Yay.