EndreWhiteMane: As the old commercial said:
"You've come a long way baby!" :-)
*looking that up* ... so... that was an actual thing... õ__ô
Always bizarre for me to see adds for cigarettes. I grew up after it was banned from TV and billboards. So strange when I see pictures and videos of old ads :-p
Stilton: That really is fantastic. It sounds like you've become a butterfly - hey everyone, Stilton's a Viking hippie!! (I blame it on the long hair and sitting by fires burning 'strange' plants, myself) - like you've emerged from the place you were and now you can be yourself. Superb. Bloomin' wonderful ;-)
Good way to put it. A few weeks ago, I commented to my friend (my Guardian, who helped me through the worst of the withdrawals. Infinite thanks to her for the rest of my life) that I felt like "me". Something I hadn't felt in years. Really awesome to feel that again, even with some of the pains that come with it...
... you guys are going to make me cry :'-p
**Insanely massive hugs**