EndreWhiteMane: Glad to hear that, it can take a while.
I'm just OK today, which is about normal for me. :-)
AgentBirdnest: Yeah, so I've heard :-/ ... well... hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst ):-|
OK is better than bad, so I'm happy for you! :-)
[/overly positive mood]
..... [entering overly-positive mood again] .....
How have I not talked to Stilton yet?!
Stilton: Hi all, I trust everyone's happy and getting happier ;-)
AgentBirdnest: It is certainly the case for me. Feeling fantabulous today. Hope you are doing well :-)
Hi, Agent ;-) I'm doing good. Another sunny day here, not too hot, picturebook clouds floating around - and I'm nearing the end (tomorrow, maybe Tuesday) of my downloading marathon! I'll take a walk/cycle later when its cooled down even more (I'm not a hot weather fan) and then settle in for some forum and a little gaming. Fantabulous is about the best I think I've ever heard you feel ;-)
Stilton: Hi all, I trust everyone's happy and getting happier ;-)
ElTerprise: Sorry missed it earlier. Good afternoon! Doing good here what about you?
ElTerprise: Sorry missed you too...like the new piece of music :). How are you doing?
Hi, ELT. I'm doing good. My collection's nearly downloaded and the day's almost smiling its so nice. How's your day off?