CarrionCrow: Well, crap. Head out for a spur of the moment pizza run, come back and people are doing that sleep thing in droves.
ZenWan: Good morning / evening Crow and anyone else who's around, if anyone is..
I have long since finished the sleepy thing, and am idly looking at the sale page, and reading some of the forum, mosty this thread.
Noticed your post re salad dressing, and absolutely agree with j0ekerr that all a salad needs is good oive oil and vinegar. Sadly I imagine that is harder for you to get your hands on than all those bottles of chemicals that the US calls salad dressing.
I am noticing something of a typing lag again. I guess that's exacerbated by the fact that I'm missing the 'm' key on my keyboard, and also missing a large chunk of my hand, taken with relish by my cat when I tried to save her from one of the huge feral cats that haunt these parts.
I hate blood... would definitely not have made a good vampire. ;-)
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the sale.
Editing to say Crow was green when I posted, but now all I see is a sea of grey sleepiness, so I'll wander off to make some more coffee and do one-handed things..
Good afternoon. =)
You would be right, high quality oil and vinegar are both rather expensive here.
The best that an average person can hope for is to adjust to getting dressing that's at least low calorie so you're not ruining the health benefits of the salad.
The typing lag is universal at times, I think. Have dealt with it more than once so far.
Very sorry to hear about your injury. Gotta love when the pets go crazy for a bit and decide that you need to be attacked.
Doing all right here, hopefully you're okay at the very least, despite the partially broken keyboard/cat injury/burning alive in the heat combination of problems.