Hello, again, especially to all the new comers! *welcome hugs and silly waves*
AgentBirdnest: I'm doing quite well. How could it be anything less than great with ice-cream for breakfast and a gift when I log in to GOG? :-)
Ah yes, I suppose that makes sense... and it is very lovely :-)
*Big thank you hug* Ice-cream for breakfast? That does not sound very French. That sounds more like something those there Americans would eat. Don't worry, I won't tell Owl you blew your cover, again. :-)
I am glad to hear you are doing well. Fingers crossed things stay that way.
*big return hug*
CarrionCrow: I understand completely. It's difficult to keep urges in check sometimes...
Yep, very hard to resist. :-)
PalioDeMonte: Ouch, that hit hard! +1s and
*epic hugs* for DD and her awesome generosity!
You are most welcome.
How are you today?
l0rdtr3k: Do you people like me? Am I a bore or a nuisance?
Am I a squid or a kid?
*plays with your hair* Do you like little blob?Squishy hug?
Hello, little blob! *big hug*
Of course we still like you, everyone has their bad days. But if I may make a suggestion? Next time you are having a bad day, just come here to rant, and try not to create a thread for it, as you may regret it later. Almost all of the regulars on here have ranted now and then, so I am sure people would not mind you ranting here.
So the Germans and the Australians are working together now? This can't be good. Lord help us all against the evil Nazi Kangaroo army. :-)
toxicTom: Warning! Compulsory gifting ninjas in the area! They go by the name of DDICKINSON and ELTERPRISE. When you encounter them, preemptively hit them with *HUGS* and +1s! Beware though, they may be armed with gifts and are not afraid to use them!
Armed with gifts, and a chainsword. :-)
LaPtiteBete: Good afternoon, everyb.... ô__ô ... !!! what.... ??
HELP !!! I'm under attack !!!
Not one, but TWO ninja gifters... in a raw ??? I just can't handle that...
(Where is my Agent ? My body guard ??... oh, crap... my body guard is actually one of the ninja gifters... I'm so screwed...) ,',',,',,,',,'):-\
Someone, do something !!! Please !!! The guilty are :
ddickinson and
Both are presumed to be dangerous gifters, so beware... ,',',',,',,',','' ):-|
Otherr than that, I hope everything is doing great :-D
**Big happy hugs, excited waves and fresh coffee !!** I am sure I don't know what you mean. :-)
Good day, Owl! *big hug*
I hope you are doing great today?