moonshineshadow: *great weather hugs and waves*
Stilton: Hugs and cuddles, Moon. How are you? Please say, 'Very well, Stilton!'
moonshineshadow: Very well, Stilton! :D
I am doing great, on holidays at the moment, camping trip along the river Donau until Budapest and then in the end a few days at lake Balaton :-)
Btw. you guys are writing too much now that the sale started, it is very hard to read through everything ;-)
Ah yes and more +1 for dd please if possible :-)
You might need to prioritize things differently.
I'm not saying people here won't feel cared for if you don't read
every single post while you're on vacation, but they totally won't so you should be fighting to get a wireless connection every second. ;)
Seriously, though, hope you're having a good time. =)
CarrionCrow: I'm awake again. Yay. -laughs-
BillyMaysFan59: Only 5 1/2 hours to go until the next wave of deals, lol
Yeah...that sucks. Really badly.