EndreWhiteMane: Hi there, nice price for the Y's bundle.
These games aren't on my wishlist here on GOG but the Ys bundle keeps tempting me. I remember fondly of playing Ys I on my Master Sytem back in the day. However as it is a bundle I can hold it for later.
I actually don't know why I bother myself to maintain a wishlist here since I almost never follow it anyway.
superstande: Yeah that's true! Not sure about it still... They look gorgeous and probably also sound very nice. But it's the light-rpg side that's troubling me a bit... I remember having some remake of Ys on PSVita and it was really simplistic, although fun.
I think the fighting consisted of running against the opponent, not even pushing a button to use a weapon :) No idea if this bundle is different... Maybe I should look some videos about them.
EndreWhiteMane: I know at least one has the 'bump to fight' thing, don't remember which one though. Don't know if the others do.
I know that Ys I has this bump to fight mechanic. I don't know about Ys II. Felgana and Origins seems to use a more action oriented combat system with combos and magic attacks.