ddickinson: Just a quick visit before I go out and enjoy my day off.
I hope you are all doing well and that you will have a lot of fun with the sale. I managed to unlocked all the games with my gifting, and I got myself a copy of Xenonauts. So that is me happy with the sale. I will consider that my one game for myself. :-)
Which brings me to a sneaky ninja gifter. Could you all please give Soccorro a +1 for generously gifting me the Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena game.
ddickinson: *more giggles*
ddickinson: *more giggles*
ddickinson: *more giggles*
Good morning. =)
You only have 5 games left, and then you're done. If someone wants to gift you something after that, you can just tell them there's nothing left.
Already did that, they also gifted me Sensible World of Soccer earlier.
Have a fun day with your partner and enjoy. =)
superstande: Crow, if you are into strangling narrators, have you tried Trines? ;)
At least the second one... good game, but the old guy...:)
I already have them both, but haven't really gotten in to them yet. Still have such fantastic titles as Fahrenheit, Redemption and Alien Shooter to beat first...
ElTerprise: Moin everyone *big hugs and waves*
How are you all doing?
Good morning. =)
Doing all right here. Same stuff as usual, only with wondering what's coming out in a few hours for a new release and what's going to hit with the sale goes into the next round.
How are you doing today?