Posted June 03, 2015

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands

Darling I'm home
Registered: Mar 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted June 03, 2015

Hello all. Hope you are extremely well and life is good ;-)

Hope all is well with you, and that life is being good for you as well.
Life is good, EIT. Nice to see your insanely happy avatar again. How's the game collecting?
Post edited June 03, 2015 by Stilton

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted June 03, 2015

Anyone who has played Act of War knows about the horrendous loading times for saved games. Well I noticed if I turn off XP compatibility the load times go to almost nothing, HOWEVER I do get the following error (see attach) when I start the game.
As soon as I click OK the messaged goes away and the game plays great, but I don't want to find out I'm damaging my PC by just skipping over the error.

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted June 03, 2015
I still have keys for Jade Empire and Rise of the Triad 2013 up for grabs if anyone wants them?

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

Darling I'm home
Registered: Mar 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted June 03, 2015

Glad to hear you are well!

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted June 03, 2015

*puppy dog sad eyes look at Hyper*
There must be some game on sale that interests you?
Now why would you think that I want to make you sad? Would I have accepted the hug if I wanted that? But the special is hard to resist - so, what time should I be expecting you? ;-P

Hello all. Hope you are extremely well and life is good ;-)
How are things with you? And how's your daughter doing?

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted June 03, 2015
Went to the grocery to get dog food so he wouldn't chew my leg off and what do I find on my return?
DD the SuperNinja™, a big sale, and Stilton!
Morning all and xtra +1's for all the gifters.
Thanks for the tracker thread Crow.
DD the SuperNinja™, a big sale, and Stilton!
Morning all and xtra +1's for all the gifters.
Thanks for the tracker thread Crow.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted June 03, 2015

Now why would you think that I want to make you sad? Would I have accepted the hug if I wanted that? But the special is hard to resist - so, what time should I be expecting you? ;-P
So I am left with two option. The first, I come to Vatican City and stick my boot so far up your arse that you can taste leather in your mouth (violent enough for you? :-)), or I just look at the old GOGWiki. But I would much rather gift a game you were interested in playing soon, rather than a random one from your list. Choice is yours. :-)

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted June 03, 2015

Tensing my ribs, Sir! ):-|
**big return hug**

Darling I'm home
Registered: Mar 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted June 03, 2015

*puppy dog sad eyes look at Hyper*
There must be some game on sale that interests you?

Now why would you think that I want to make you sad? Would I have accepted the hug if I wanted that? But the special is hard to resist - so, what time should I be expecting you? ;-P

Hello all. Hope you are extremely well and life is good ;-)

How are things with you? And how's your daughter doing?
My daughter's alright, although the spinal curve has pregressed a little since we last talked. But we've got an appointment with the specialist at the end of July so we'll see what the state of play is then. So far we've been told its 'borderline' - surgery might become an option but not a necessity. We'll see. My daughter's still feeling good, though, which is the important thing.
How's everything with you? Good, I hope ;-)

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted June 03, 2015

Alright, I'll stay like this, Ma'am ):-| ... Glad you are doing well too, and that you had a good day off yesterday :-)
**Seriously epic hug**
I'm not fan of peanut butter, but I shall give it another try, I only tasted it once, hundred years ago...
I don't have any radio in my kitchen... ! :-\ it's not really a kitchen appliance, but, well, why not !! It sounds great :D
You're very obedient, good... \o/
**Even more astonishing hug**