CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)
How're you doing tonight?
Soccorro: OKish and you?
Can't complain here, just another standard day. Stuff outside, stuff around the house and fiddling around on the computer when everything's done.
Now I'm just trying to get my pile of games organized while watching a show on the monitor.
Thrilling events, as always. -laughs-
CarrionCrow: The way I'm doing stuff, I'm not really giving myself that option, even if the game is total crap.
I don't think Wasteland 1 will be that way, it's just going to take a while to figure out the interface.
That makes me want to clear it fully before the new version comes out, so I can see the differences better.
j0ekerr: Wasteland handles almost like a text/conversational adventure. Remember it's from 1987, when the commodore 64 was king. Reagan was president, Star Wars was both a movie and a billion dollar government defense project, the cold war was a thing, we still lived in fear of actual nuclear holocaust and people fried their hair and wore ridiculous shoulder pads.
Good times.
Soccorro: Hello everyone!
j0ekerr: Hey there.
How are those caffeine fueled frenzies going?
From the little I've read about the new version, at least the text is now included on-screen rather than needing to be presented in a paper manual on the side.
I try to be flexible with a game's age, but that would've been a bit of an immersion breaker.