Posted June 02, 2015
LaPtiteBete: Ho, I didn't know it was a safety helmet... :-\ are you that clumsy to need a helmet 24/24 ?
It's very kind of thhese birds... I shall remember to put some grease ans seeds balls for them next winter...
Oh, yes... I always forget about the time difference between our continents... you wake up so early !! :)
Thanks for your teasing hugs !! :-D
**Even more awesome hug than yours**
I'm a little clumsy, but not too much (I hope)... I do tend to bump into lots of random objects ):-/ It's very kind of thhese birds... I shall remember to put some grease ans seeds balls for them next winter...
Oh, yes... I always forget about the time difference between our continents... you wake up so early !! :)
Thanks for your teasing hugs !! :-D
**Even more awesome hug than yours**
Oh, cool! I'll remind you in the Winter! ):-| ... or you could cover a pine cone with peanut butter, then cover it with seeds :-) (It's a real thing! I'm not making it up!)
Yeah, I usually wake up at around 1am. I find that I am happier and have more energy through the day that way :-) Whatever works, I suppose...
**Here is that newer hug that I promised... and an extra bonus super-happy hug**