Ixamyakxim: Ooooh you have Double Fine on your big ban list just like I have a few publishers on mine. What did they do? Besides Broken Age what other games have they done? Is this because of the fiasco with BA (breaking it into two games, taking forever to finish the second act?).
I guess much of it is to do with BA (that poor excuse for a visual interactive novel was just a big mess), but it's just the company and the guy in general. The stuff they do to customers would get other companies slated, but for some reason he seems immune. I am not saying my list of not buying from is a logical list, mostly things that have just rubbed me the wrong way. And today I found out about another game (Spacebase DF-9) where they just abandoned it and decided not to finish it, despite taking peoples money in Early Access.
ElTerprise: Glad to hear that :D
Yes they aren't my favourite either but their games look interesting....but they can't always live up to that from what i've heard..
Do you think you will be getting the new game, is it one that appeals to you?