Posted June 01, 2015
EBToriginal: Good news and better news.
Good news: started the process of bodily evacuation.
Better news: I'm pretty sure I'm now engaged to a box of vynal gloves.
Ixamyakxim: We have some quality image painters in here tonight - thanks for the laughs you two! And not to be too intrusive EBToriginal but what surgery did you go in for? You seem in good spirits and making a quick, bowel-laden recovery so I'm assuming nothing too serious? Feel free to tell me to go F-myself if you don't want to answer - I promise I won't mind. Good news: started the process of bodily evacuation.
Better news: I'm pretty sure I'm now engaged to a box of vynal gloves.
Also, I fired up Empire at War last night. Seems very fun! I'm sure 4X and RTS gurus will find plenty to hate as each area would probably be considered lacking when taken on its own, but for a newbie like me and with it turned down to Easy I'm really enjoying it. I'm almost tempted to call the Saber Bundle the best buy here on GoG... almost. But man that D&D complete package...
I had vaginoplasty twelve days ago. Apparently my friends all took weeks to do anything and I was cooking the second day out of the hospital.