ElTerprise: Good evening everyone *big hugs and waves*
How are you all doing?
ddickinson: Good evening!
Have you had a nice evening?
Soccorro: Behold Empress Owl's Corps de Baguette!
ddickinson: Hello! How are you, have you had a nice day?
EndreWhiteMane: Good afternoon/evening all. Hope everyone is doing well.
ddickinson: Yay! Endre is here! *big hello hug*
I have not seen much of you lately. I guess they have been keeping you locked away at work. Or maybe you have just been busy with your nurses, or all those women in bikinis now that summer is approaching. :-)
Have you had a nice day?
LaPtiteBete: Heh... I'm sure your partner will care to give you some awesomely relaxing and healing massages ;-p
(Asylum ? Asylum... I don't get it !!)
**More happy and relaxing hugs** Biiiingoooo... tsssss... clichés !!! ):-|
ddickinson: She does indeed, and she is great at them. We were actually given some massage oils a few days ago by my sister-in-law. I am sure they will come in handy after my week of hard work. :-)
Are they not called insane asylums in France? Here is a wiki link:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_psychiatric_institutions But cliches are fun. And don't try to deny the French do not have dirty minds. Just look at how your maids dress. Also, I was reading a few days ago that English has now passed French as the sexiest accent. :-)
The Corps the Baguette stand ready! Give the command oh Empress and we shall surrender in thy name!