Posted May 26, 2015

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Carolus Magnus
Je m'en fou
Registered: Dec 2012
From Belgium
Posted May 26, 2015

Why do I get the kiss on the hand? As charming as it is, what about our lovely French Owl, she deserves all the hand kisses. :-)
I once actually read a book halfway through without realising the protagonist was a woman, I have a hard time discerning potential women from potential men arround here :p . You're about the only one I was truly sure of ;)

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted May 26, 2015
Were there many people wearing a costume at the convention?
Glad to hear you are doing fine. Did you have a nice weekend with your girlfriend?
Vnlr: Okay, all persons of the female gender form a que for the kiss on the hand please ;D
I once actually read a book halfway through without realising the protagonist was a woman, I have a hard time discerning potential women from potential men arround here :p . You're about the only one I was truly sure of ;) Well we have a few awesome women regulars on the thread, perhaps you should try your hand kissing on everyone, see if you get lucky. :-)
Glad to hear you are doing fine. Did you have a nice weekend with your girlfriend?

I once actually read a book halfway through without realising the protagonist was a woman, I have a hard time discerning potential women from potential men arround here :p . You're about the only one I was truly sure of ;)
Post edited May 26, 2015 by ddickinson

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted May 26, 2015

How was your weekend?

The convention was a great experience. Met really nice people from all over europe and really enjoyed the panels :)

Registered: May 2013
From France

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil
Posted May 26, 2015

I once actually read a book halfway through without realising the protagonist was a woman, I have a hard time discerning potential women from potential men arround here :p . You're about the only one I was truly sure of ;)

Registered: May 2013
From France

Carolus Magnus
Je m'en fou
Registered: Dec 2012
From Belgium
Posted May 26, 2015

I just read an article in the newspaper which would have made me laugh if it wasn't so symptomatic of Belgium.
We need to buy new jet fighters, our old-old F16 are in need of replacement. Meanwhile, the rightist government has been cutting down greatly on social aid, public transportation and education amongst many others. Now they want to buy the ludicrously expensive and - from what I've heard from non-USA people - not all to good F35. Other contenders would be the Eurofighter (a decent aircraft, during one red flag training a few pilots actually managed to get the better of F22's), the Swedish grippen which is a really cool aircraft and the F18.
The problem is this: though about overbudget, the ministry of defense wanted to buy the jets asap, because they really, REALLY want belgium to have a presence in the middle-east (delusions of international grandeur). Unfortunately, due to the fact that our leased nukes are american, those won't be happy if we want to hang 'em under non-american planes (arming codes etc...), and they are lobbying a lot to get us to buy their expensive F35. Which can't do shit (sure, it's a good aircraft, but it doesn't cut it). Another day in Belgium -_-

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted May 26, 2015

FedCon was really great. I got to know great people and i really enjoyed visiting the panels (some of them were really funny - especially the Stargate ones ^^). It was a really awesome experience (apart from some organisational issues from the hosts....for example some presentations were only in german which is bonkers considering the FedCon being an international converntion)
Yeah did some photos with other people (stil need to receive those) and i took one with Aaron Douglas - the actor i had a nice conversation with - otherwise not many photos unfortunately. Problem was that i had a bad seat to take them sometimes...
(Other photos will follow when i got them all and i have the time to upload them)
Ho ! Awesome pic of you and Aaron Douglas !!! (I'm happy to see you, also ; it's always cool to put a face under a name !!) \o/
Humpf... I'm so jealous !!! >:-|
Post edited May 26, 2015 by LaPtiteBete

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted May 26, 2015

**Enormous happy tight hug**
Glad that you're doing great !
You're eating Speculoos ?? (Bon appétit !)
I'm pretty good, thanks :) ... slowly getting better and better, I think...
Hey, it's funny that you speak about him... I just received (48 seconds ago) a message from him... the strange noise was a broken shock absorber. And also oil changes, replacing break lights... there are a few things to do... I hope it won't cost too much... maybe he'll offer to pay in kind ? ... LOL n__n [/awkward humor]
How was your weekend ?? :-)
I know absolutely nothing about cars, but I hope that it won't be expensive either. Yeah, maybe he wil- Wait what? :-O ... LOL ... ):-|
My weekend? I don't remember, I was hoping my supervisor might know! ;-D ... Kidding aside, it was okay. I had a really rough day on Saturday, but it was pretty good otherwise :-) Spent plenty of time with my best friend, which is always nice, and cheers me up when I'm down :-)

Registered: May 2013
From France

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted May 26, 2015
Good morning everyone.
Just finished polishing some old but serviceable pairs of shoes. They don't look good as new by any means, but I've managed to make them look respectable enough.
Aside from the usual whiny bitch having a meltdown in the general forum, is there anything funny going on?
Just finished polishing some old but serviceable pairs of shoes. They don't look good as new by any means, but I've managed to make them look respectable enough.
Aside from the usual whiny bitch having a meltdown in the general forum, is there anything funny going on?

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted May 26, 2015

I know absolutely nothing about cars, but I hope that it won't be expensive either. Yeah, maybe he wil- Wait what? :-O ... LOL ... ):-|
My weekend? I don't remember, I was hoping my supervisor might know! ;-D ... Kidding aside, it was okay. I had a really rough day on Saturday, but it was pretty good otherwise :-) Spent plenty of time with my best friend, which is always nice, and cheers me up when I'm down :-)
Lol... why this angry face ? ;-p
You don't remember about your weekend... It's usually a sign of a hangover... Have you started drinking, or something ? ô__ô ... Oh... sorry about your Saturday :'-( ...[/kidding] ... at least you had your friend to cheer you up... that's cool

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted May 26, 2015
Do you have anything nice planned for your week?
LaPtiteBete: That sounds awesome !!! :-O
Well, I'll probably end up running in circles, without any idea of what to do... but it sounds awesome nevertheless...
And I love animals... I was hoping one of the cows would give birth yesterday, as my partner has never seen it but she would love to as she adores baby animals. But no luck, cows do most things on their own terms. :-)
How about if I put a big pot of coffee behind a locked door, and the only way you can get the key to the door is if you finish your work? :-)
LaPtiteBete: I hope you won't have a too tiring week... even if it shall be the "last" one for a while... !!
Thanks a lot for your wishes and hugs... I happily return them to you a hundredfold.
**Gigantic encouraging and energizing hug** I will not be too tired this week, I am too excited about having my evenings back and spending lots of fun time with my parter. I have had a big smile on my face all week so far as I can't wait.
A hundredfold? Hmmmm, how about a *big mammoth super special energising and motivational happy hug?* :-)
I have not seen good things about F35. The previous UK governments (who were corrupt idiots) signed us up to those jets, retiring our own that were perfectly fit for purpose. They also commissioned two super aircraft-carriers that we did not need, like I said, they were idiots. The current government tried to get out of the F35 deal, but it was too late. From what I have heard, the Typhoon (Eurofighter) is one of the best fighter jets ever made, but then of course it is, it's primarily designed by the English :-). It was originally going to be called the Spitfire II, but Germany did not like the name (yet the name Typhoon is named after another British WW2 fighter). I think a lot of back-hand deals have been made regarding the new US jet, but that happens a lot these days, greed tends to come before other logic.
I did not know Belgium had nukes? And you are right, from what I have heard the F35 is a very poorly designed aircraft. So don't feel so bad, the UK's previous idiot government went for the same jets, so Belgium is not alone in this. We are keeping them for the Navy mainly, and using our wonderful Tornados and Typhoons for the most part.
Don't be, I send him in your direction. :-)

Well, I'll probably end up running in circles, without any idea of what to do... but it sounds awesome nevertheless...
And I love animals...
How about if I put a big pot of coffee behind a locked door, and the only way you can get the key to the door is if you finish your work? :-)

Thanks a lot for your wishes and hugs... I happily return them to you a hundredfold.
**Gigantic encouraging and energizing hug**
A hundredfold? Hmmmm, how about a *big mammoth super special energising and motivational happy hug?* :-)
I have not seen good things about F35. The previous UK governments (who were corrupt idiots) signed us up to those jets, retiring our own that were perfectly fit for purpose. They also commissioned two super aircraft-carriers that we did not need, like I said, they were idiots. The current government tried to get out of the F35 deal, but it was too late. From what I have heard, the Typhoon (Eurofighter) is one of the best fighter jets ever made, but then of course it is, it's primarily designed by the English :-). It was originally going to be called the Spitfire II, but Germany did not like the name (yet the name Typhoon is named after another British WW2 fighter). I think a lot of back-hand deals have been made regarding the new US jet, but that happens a lot these days, greed tends to come before other logic.
I did not know Belgium had nukes? And you are right, from what I have heard the F35 is a very poorly designed aircraft. So don't feel so bad, the UK's previous idiot government went for the same jets, so Belgium is not alone in this. We are keeping them for the Navy mainly, and using our wonderful Tornados and Typhoons for the most part.
Don't be, I send him in your direction. :-)

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted May 26, 2015

Just finished polishing some old but serviceable pairs of shoes. They don't look good as new by any means, but I've managed to make them look respectable enough.
Aside from the usual whiny bitch having a meltdown in the general forum, is there anything funny going on?
I don't remember having polished any shoe since... wow. ô__ô
Nothing too exciting here for the moment... !! :)