EndreWhiteMane: Hi again kids, had to work today after all and I'm NOT happy about it! ;)
ne_zavarj: Kids ????
CarrionCrow: Now that you mention it, I think I ended up buying Dark Reign 1 and 2 because you said they were painfully hard to beat.
ne_zavarj: Those are on my wishlist too .
1.) 'Kids' is a term used in the U.S. for addressing a group of friends, co-workers, etc.
2.) Considering my age, yes, most of you are. :-)
EndreWhiteMane: Hi again kids, had to work today after all and I'm NOT happy about it! ;)
Saw you mention Convoy, that looks good to me but StarCrawlers looks even better.
CarrionCrow: Are you done now at least?
Yes, would agree with you there. Sci-fi RPG's don't come around very often.
Yep I'm done for the day, to be sure I shut my phone off. :-)
Watched some videos of StarCrawlers, looks right up my alley.