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genkicolleen: Hi, all, just popped in to say that I'm still alive. I've 13 days left to find a job... Will be sending out three applications today, so fingers crossed!
Will keep my fingers crossed along with you that things work out quickly and favorably. =)
CarrionCrow: ...
Hello, Crow!

How are you today? Is your week off to a good start? How are you liking the staff picks?

genkicolleen: Hi, all, just popped in to say that I'm still alive. I've 13 days left to find a job... Will be sending out three applications today, so fingers crossed!
I have had my fingers crossed for you since I first heard the unfortunate news. Perhaps I could cross my toes as well, but that would just make me fall over all the time. :-)

I wish you all the luck in the world with finding a new job.

*big good luck hug*
CarrionCrow: That's the thing. There aren't changes for the most part on a base level, aside from the illogical evil restrictions on things.
If you go through the EE game without using any class kits? It's the same thing, aside from extra items and spells.
Right now, my playthrough is a bit different because I chose to add kits to most of my party members.
But it all boils down to newer ways to run the same maze.
So basically the EE is overall pretty useless because the higher resolution etc. can be achieved for the original versions via mod...

j0ekerr: It's not elitism when it's true.
We were given our right to rule by the neckbeard of silicon valley, his arm clad in a cheetos stained sweater, held aloft the 8086 from the depths of his basement, signifying by virtue of nerddom that we were to lord it over those who didn't know what high memory was.
Keep farming mud filthy console peasants. Or you shall witness first hand the violence inherent in the system.
Well good point but i still have problems with it - call me an egalitarian...
ddickinson: Also, good afternoon! :-)
Good Afternoon *big welcome hug* :)

genkicolleen: Hi, all, just popped in to say that I'm still alive. I've 13 days left to find a job... Will be sending out three applications today, so fingers crossed!
Hi. I wish you good luck and i'll keep my fingers-crossed :)
Post edited May 18, 2015 by ElTerprise
j0ekerr: Your geek-fu is weak battle nun. You would be destroyed at a Con. Not that I can imagine you at one anyways.

Yes, Tokio=Tokyo, it's in fact and old spelling and the preferred one for most languages that consider y a consonant and don't change the sound of a letter depending on time of the day.

Take a look at the friends list in galaxy, it ignores the mouse wheel unless you click on it, which opens up a dialog chatbox with whoever you click on, and the scrollbar is a thin line that looks more like a shading effect than an interface tool.
Not quite, despite my lack of geek knowledge, I have something in my favour that would ensure my victory against any nerd. I'm a woman, and we all know what you nerds are like when confronted with a woman. I would be invincible, and add a little cleavage to the mix via some nerdy female costume, then I will definitely not need to fear any nerd, you will all be huddled together in a corner somewhere scared to talk to me and the other ladies there. :-)

I thought it was perhaps Tokyo, but with the variation in languages we have here I was not too sure. I have not used Galaxy, so I don't know about he scroll wheel and the scrollbars. It does seem like a bad design choice, but then it is only in Beta, so I guess you have to forgive them bugs like that.
genkicolleen: Hi, all, just popped in to say that I'm still alive. I've 13 days left to find a job... Will be sending out three applications today, so fingers crossed!
Good luck dear!
ElTerprise: Good Afternoon *big welcome hug* :)
Good afternoon! *return hug*

How has your day been so far?
Post edited May 18, 2015 by ddickinson
genkicolleen: Hi, all, just popped in to say that I'm still alive. I've 13 days left to find a job... Will be sending out three applications today, so fingers crossed!
Fingers crossed and *Big Fat Good Luck Hug*
l0rdtr3k: Well,I'm done with PC gaming for a while.I'm just bored of the "mmustard race" shit and all elitism that comes with it.
I'm done with not being able to play games without giveng an arm and a leg just to upgrade my PC.
PaterAlf: But isn't it the same with console gaming (you have to upgrade to the next generation every few years)?

If you don't want to give up PC gaming completely, I would recommend to look at freeware games. Many of them are of an amazing quality and for most of them you don't need a Power-PC.
Give me your most recommended list with links, please.
ddickinson: Good afternoon! *return hug*

How has your day been so far?
Apart from the boring lecture pretty good at least until i heard that there will be a train driver strike again which could make it more difficult to get to the FedCon...
Post edited May 18, 2015 by ElTerprise
Where's my favourite Owl?I need to hug her and I have some peanut butter for a special friend.
j0ekerr: Good afternoon.

I have a question for you my fellow threaddites.

Am I the only one that gets the urge to destroy Tokio with radioactive rage when he sees the scrolling bar of Galaxy's friend list?
ddickinson: I would answer, but I am not sure I know what you are talking about. Who or what is Tokio (Tokyo?), and what is wrong with the scrolling bar in Galaxy?

Also, good afternoon! :-)
*hugs* Senpai,sorry for leaving PC gaming again but I'm a little sick of it.
j0ekerr: Yes, Tokio=Tokyo, it's in fact and old spelling and the preferred one for most languages that consider y a consonant and don't change the sound of a letter depending on time of the day.
Tokio is the German spelling, and it's just plain wrong. If at all, it should have been "Tokjo" *yuck* since German "jo" roughly equals "yo".

The Japanese syllables are [tō][kyō], whereas the German version would produce three syllables: [tō][ki][ō], which is just wrong. There are transcription rules for a reason...
Good mornoon, everyone! *hugs for those who like hugs, and I tip my helmet to the rest* :-)

genkicolleen: Hi, all, just popped in to say that I'm still alive. I've 13 days left to find a job... Will be sending out three applications today, so fingers crossed!
Keeping my fingers crossed too. I like to believe that positive energy, even from far away, can make a difference. You'll be in my mind :-)
*big hug*

ddickinson: But I agree, our lovely Owl is in fact awesome, and I can see why you would like to imitate her. But I think the dress is a bit too much, you can be a male Owl and still be like our wonderful Owl. :-)
You heard the lovely young lady. She like me in a dress, so it stays ):-|
ElTerprise: Apart from the boring lecture pretty good at least until i heard that there will be a train driver strike again which could make it more difficult to get to the FedCon...
You Germans sure do love to strike. That kind of thing would not be tolerated by the public here, they would strike for 24 hours or maybe a few days at max, but that would be it. In fact, the UK government is considering a law that would stop the unions blackmailing the government and public by making it illegal for vital services to go on strike, which I think is a great idea. I am not a fan of unions, which is why I am glad they are not as strong in the UK and that they are losing favour. Workers rights is one thing, but they are just corrupt organisations now who attempt to blackmail people into getting what they want, which as always, is more money.

I hope that they will not cause you too much trouble in getting to your convention.
l0rdtr3k: Where's my favourite Owl?I need to hug her and I have some peanut butter for a special friend.
*runs in, grabs the peanut butter, and runs out after giving a quick thank you hug*
Post edited May 18, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
l0rdtr3k: *hugs* Senpai,sorry for leaving PC gaming again but I'm a little sick of it.
Hello! *return hug*

No need to be sorry. We told you before, play what ever makes you happy, there is no reason to stick to PC games if they don't appeal to you, if you like console games then enjoy console games.

AgentBirdnest: You heard the lovely young lady. She like me in a dress, so it stays ):-|
And what a pretty little dress it is. But I think you might need to shave those legs. :-)

*big hug for the cross dressing American-French Agent* :-)