CarrionCrow: Also, changelogs are really useful when updates start popping up. Now I can tell immediately what I need to download (patches, new installers), and what I don't (Linux versions of games).
moonshineshadow: Can you confirm if the update notification goes away as soon as you read the changelog?
It has for me, yes. Just got two updates (Master of Magic and Monster Bash), went to check the changelog, saw that the update pertains to new Linux-compatible versions, closed it out and the flags were gone.
ElTerprise: Hello, how are you doing?
CarrionCrow: Okay, back again. Had to run a sudden errand.
Should get back to Icewind 2, since I just barely managed to kill the super boss before falling asleep at my desk once again.
ElTerprise: You seem to like sleeping at the desk :P
FearfulSymmetry: Yep, it definitely did. :P
ElTerprise: I assume that i always had luck then whe i spoke to dutch people :)
Wasn't intentional. Took a break since I had spent a ridiculous amount of time between getting killed repeatedly by the super boss, finally running away from the encounter, reorganizing all my crap so I could gear up as heavily as possible to finally kill the stinking bastard, then finally going back and managing to pull it off.
By then my right hand was hurting quite a bit, so I put Netflix on, figured I'd watch Saw for a while, but I don't think I got further than the first five minutes.