Posted May 12, 2015

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted May 12, 2015

Which admittedly can be applied as well to what we do in this thread.
Speaking of quaffing. I recently read, Raising Steam recently, the late Sir Pratchett's last discworld novel.
It was a bit sad.
Not the novel itself, but rather being witness to the man's gradual loss of brilliance. Which was marked more vividly because I swtiched to the amazing maurice and his educated rodents after I was done with it. And you can really tell the difference.

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted May 12, 2015
He probably needs help with his personal story. At that level he should be at Sparkfly Fen, and that's where Tequatl is.
He probably got his arse handed over to him. I should know.
PS: Tequatl is an undead dragon the size of a ship.
Yes, there are kaiju fights in GW2.
He probably got his arse handed over to him. I should know.
PS: Tequatl is an undead dragon the size of a ship.
Yes, there are kaiju fights in GW2.
Post edited May 12, 2015 by j0ekerr

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted May 12, 2015
That is not a problem, the problem is that you're lazing around here while you could be helping save Tyria from Zhaitan's many, many, many jaws.
Then you have to deal with Mordremoth.
Is the pale tree still in a coma?
EDIT: White tree... they'd have gotten sued by Tokien's state.
Then you have to deal with Mordremoth.
Is the pale tree still in a coma?
EDIT: White tree... they'd have gotten sued by Tokien's state.
Post edited May 12, 2015 by j0ekerr

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil
Posted May 12, 2015

I have never even played an MMO, so I guess I am safe from the addiction. :-)

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted May 12, 2015
If I had anything finished and worth reading I would... I could share a couple of thousand words of odd starts to stories that I never quite went anywhere with, but they are literally just a page or two of stuff that just came to me and then faded away before I really went anywhere with it.

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany