ElTerprise: Yeah would like to at least Complete Saga from the Lego Star Wars games here.
Yeah i like Lego Marvel a lot. I think it's better than the other ones you mentioned although Lord of Rings and Hobbit are also really great. The all have the mechanics but the improved the from Lego Star Wars I to Batman 3 massively :)
really hope that all the Disney LEGO games end up here. I want to play the Pirates of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones ones.
The mechanics in Star Wars.... yeah. I was getting pretty frustrated at one point in the first couple of levels I played because I'm used to the Marvel game. I can't remember what exactly it was, but it was severely annoying. I'm pretty sure everything up through... maybe Batman 2? is going to be like that a little, since the Marvel game was the first one I played. I don't have Batman 3 yet - I'm waiting for a good sale, especially with all the DLC they've put out for it.
I suspect that will make getting the newer LEGO games here difficult, actually. GOG doesn't handle DLC well, and so many people seem to think that
all DLC is money-grabbing crap and would scream if it showed up here like it does elsewhere (separately, as released, as opposed to the "Darksiders 2 DLC Package" way of doing it). I don't have anything against DLC in and of itself, but I really dislike the overpriced cosmetic ones and ones that don't really add anything to the game. I'm totally guilty of buying some of each - I bought all of the DLC for the Tomb Raider and Borderlands 2 games, but I bought it when it was on some hellaciously huge discount, so it was pennies each, and I didn't want to spend a ton of time going through all of them one-by-one. So, always exceptions, but I still don't like that way of doing it. If you're going to do DLC, doing it like the W3 expansion(s) is a much better way to go, I feel: Make them big, make them well, and make them worth the money. :)
ElTerprise: What is you favourite Lego game then?
moonshineshadow: Lego Indy :D
But I like all the Lego games. It is just that in my opinion they overdid it in Marvel with the flying and racing stuff. I always do 100% and in this one it was no fun anymore with so much racing and even worse flying races in those helicopters and planes that needed to be done for that with the clunky control...
I haven't gotten to play the Indy games. :(
I have to agree about the racing stuff in the Marvel game. I'm pleased to see that my husband seems to have picked up the driving almost immediately, so I'm not-so-secretly planning to have him do it all. lol