AgentBirdnest: You'd better not change ):-| ... [James Earl Jones voice] The one constant through all the years has been Owl. GOG has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But our lovely Owl has marked the time. This thread, this Owl: it's a part of our past. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again.
I don't like the shelf, either...
*merging hugs... please see the bottom of this post ;-)*
Bumberluppins is a junkie... It must be one of his spare coffee makers :-p
The spare nest also has a poster of Asaf pinned on the wall n__n
**Biggest and most crushing hug, with more waffles than you can handle ):-|** Are you comparing my glorious conquest plans to a baseball field ?... n__o ... very nice quote, and very kind words anyway, thank you very much... :">
**Big squeezing thankful hug** A poster of Asaf ?... a *sexy* poster, at least ? lol n__n
I can handle more waffles that you imagine... ):-|
**Even biggest and crushingliest hug, with Speculoos spread Waffles and epic hot chocolate on the top** LaPtiteBete: Meehee... bullshit ! I've already read you here ; you don't sound 'that' evil. ;-p
bad_fur_day1: I'm not exactly the older members. You can blame Gog for that for putting Hotline Miami here. ^.^
You should get along well with a certain Crow I know... ^^