ElTerprise: Moin everyone *big hugs and waves*
How are you all doing?
I see they implemented the new account system....well all the PM conversations are gone...fantastic....-.-
Good morning! *morning hug*
The site seems to be working a little better for me at least, but a shame about the new account.
adaliabooks: No, it was (as are most things I write) Nordic inspired, although there were some islands that were inspired by the Celts.
It was very much fantasy, dragons, demons and a talking sword being among the main important themes.
I'm not too worried as they said it would be kept, so hopefully wouldn't have made that promise with out some way to follow through. Plus I was never much for using PMs anyway.
But GOG said a lot of things that have since been proven wrong, such as flat pricing and other "core principles". While I do not think it is the case here, I would not be surprised if it was a Galaxy only thing who got the messages back. After looking through the game shelf and finding how they hid the downloader links, I can see that this whole thing is aimed at inconveniencing the user enough to make them want to use the "optional" client, or rather twist their arm into virtually being forced to use it.
CarrionCrow: I'm liking the options for shelf organization, definitely. I never did the manual sorting because I had so many frigging games that it would've been a total pain to do.
At this point, I can make some tags, get a handle on things, have a better idea of what I've got and what I actually want to play next.
Can't complain here, listening to a podcast in between chewing my way through Icewind 2. Just wiped out another huge battle (-flips off the mutilated pile of mind flayers-), so I'm another section closer to the end.
Hopefully I can have it done by the end of today, tomorrow at the latest.
How are you doing today?
It's the aesthetics and the navigation that are annoying me, so much is not hidden under drop menus, instead of nice convenient buttons as they where before. Not to mention the Galaxy central design of it all.
Glad to hear things are going okay with you, and that you are enjoying Icewind 2, or at least I hope you are enjoying it, after putting so much effort into it?
I am great, thank you. My weekend did me the world of good. I am sure as the long week goes on this will change, but then I have the weekend to look forwards to again, so the cycle keeps repeating itself. :-)