Posted May 10, 2015
LeoLR: Sorry guys. It was not my intention to make you feel sad.
I imagine that there are several good memories to rejoice anyway.
ps. I'm helping my sister prep lunch for today so I'll only pop here occasionally.
Don't be, things are as they are, and you had nth to do with them. I am very grateful for the numerous good memories I have; if I didn't also have that little devil whispering in my ear "but you could have had more", things would be just fine. :-) I imagine that there are several good memories to rejoice anyway.
ps. I'm helping my sister prep lunch for today so I'll only pop here occasionally.
I assume your sister's a mum? Happy Mother's Day to her!
For some reason this reminded me of M. Freeman's line in that scene with G. Paltrow from Se7en
EndreWhiteMane: [...]
I do have a busy week coming though, have 9 people coming to the place I volunteer to help get the gardens planted.
That sounds nice - what planting is planned? I do have a busy week coming though, have 9 people coming to the place I volunteer to help get the gardens planted.
And thunderstorm's over, timid sun tries to break through the not so dark now clouds. We might even see a sunset, after all.