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AgentBirdnest: ... It was in my mom's cookbook. How or why the hell it was there, we have no idea.
Perhaps the Cookbook was hungry?

Howdy y’all! Hope everyone is well, and happy as can be.

So, I am doing another first playthrough of Borderlands 1, in the Secret Armory DLC addon,
and I see a money box, with big arrows pointing to it, so of course, I’m curious to see
“what it does” when you click on it.

Click... 8 million credits deducted,

and all it does is gives you a “sucker born every minute” Achievement. Heh!

Silly game.
Stilton: I can tell you're going to be a good teacher ;-)
Don't flatter me ! ^^

AgentBirdnest: Perhaps, but it was on a page that I don't think anyone has ever used.

In other news, my dad just asked me to help him use facebook. This was really hard, because he literally can't find the "Enter" key on his keyboard. And somehow every letter he types is upside-down on the screen.
So the mystery is still real...
Facebook ? õ__õ what a strange idea... I used to think FB was cool, before... Now I seriously consider deleting my own account. First, I'm tired of their marketing sh*t and privacy policy. I only log in to keep a semblance of relationship with some so-called "friends" ; to see what they become... But sometimes it's a huge disappointment. It makes you realize how people are superficial, egocentric, racist, or intolerant (you can put me in this 4th group, because I can't stand the 3 other groups :-p heehee). I grow up bitter 3__3

EndreWhiteMane: ˥ᴉʞǝ ʇɥᴉs¿
Ô__Ô ....... are you a witch ???
The cat walking on the laptop... hum. It reminds my baby owl who accidentally reconfigured one of her talking-toys in... spanish. I know a dozen of animal names in spanish now hehe ^^ I'm a búho
Post edited January 06, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
AgentBirdnest: Perhaps, but it was on a page that I don't think anyone has ever used.

In other news, my dad just asked me to help him use facebook. This was really hard, because he literally can't find the "Enter" key on his keyboard. And somehow every letter he types is upside-down on the screen.
LaPtiteBete: So the mystery is still real...
Facebook ? õ__õ what a strange idea... I used to think FB was cool, before... Now I seriously consider deleting my own account. First, I'm tired of their marketing sh*t and privacy policy. I only log in to keep a semblance of relationship with some so-called "friends" ; to see what they become... But sometimes it's a huge disappointment. It makes you realize how people are superficial, egocentric, racist, or intolerant (you can put me in this 4th group, because I can't stand the 3 other groups :-p heehee). I grow up bitter 3__3
Yeah, that sums it up for me. Unfortunately, it is the only way some of my friends communicate. Two weeks ago, my best friend messaged me on FB to tell me that he was driving by my town, and wanted to know my address so he could stop by. Unfortunately I didn't log in at all last month, so I missed his message, and didn't get to see him >:-(
I wish my friends could just send a freakin' e-mail.
Stilton: I can tell you're going to be a good teacher ;-)
EndreWhiteMane: Can someone help me learn Pig-Latin? Ease-play?
Oundssay ikelay youyay avehay ethay anghay ofyay ityay alreadyyay ;-)

Or is that Welsh..?
Post edited January 06, 2015 by Stilton
EndreWhiteMane: Can someone help me learn Pig-Latin? Ease-play?
Stilton: Oundssay ikelay youyay avehay ethay anghay ofyay ityay alreadyyay ;-)

Or is that Welsh..?
Please remove this hot potato from your mouth !!! ^^
Stilton: Oundssay ikelay youyay avehay ethay anghay ofyay ityay alreadyyay ;-)

Or is that Welsh..?
LaPtiteBete: Please remove this hot potato from your mouth !!! ^^
Ahh, thanks, that's better. I need to take smaller mouthfuls...
AgentBirdnest: Yeah, that sums it up for me. Unfortunately, it is the only way some of my friends communicate. Two weeks ago, my best friend messaged me on FB to tell me that he was driving by my town, and wanted to know my address so he could stop by. Unfortunately I didn't log in at all last month, so I missed his message, and didn't get to see him >:-(
I wish my friends could just send a freakin' e-mail.
What about cellphones ? they also could text you... easier and faster than sending an e-mail...
I'm not fan of calling my friends or family for hours (it's not really a matter of time) ; but I love to text and send photos with my phone :-)
EndreWhiteMane: Can someone help me learn Pig-Latin? Ease-play?
Stilton: Oundssay ikelay youyay avehay ethay anghay ofyay ityay alreadyyay ;-)

Or is that Welsh..?
If it was Welsh you'd need a throat lozenge afterwards. Hurts just to try it. ;)

Hey, are these called English Muffins in England? ;)
Post edited January 06, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
EndreWhiteMane: Can someone help me learn Pig-Latin? Ease-play?
Stilton: Oundssay ikelay youyay avehay ethay anghay ofyay ityay alreadyyay ;-)

Or is that Welsh..?
Google translate registers it as Cebuano. Whatever that language is. O.o


Apparently it is an austronesian language spoken in the Philippines.
I may be wrong, but I think that this topic should be an inspiration for GOG devs to create a chatroom.
AgentBirdnest: Yeah, that sums it up for me. Unfortunately, it is the only way some of my friends communicate. Two weeks ago, my best friend messaged me on FB to tell me that he was driving by my town, and wanted to know my address so he could stop by. Unfortunately I didn't log in at all last month, so I missed his message, and didn't get to see him >:-(
I wish my friends could just send a freakin' e-mail.
LaPtiteBete: What about cellphones ? they also could text you... easier and faster than sending an e-mail...
I'm not fan of calling my friends or family for hours (it's not really a matter of time) ; but I love to text and send photos with my phone :-)
I'd like to refer you to a post of mine from about a week ago.
Maybe I could get one just for texting, though. Even though I hate texting. I like my big-ass keyboard.
Stilton: Oundssay ikelay youyay avehay ethay anghay ofyay ityay alreadyyay ;-)

Or is that Welsh..?
EndreWhiteMane: If it was Welsh you'd need a throat lozenge afterwards. Hurts just to try it. ;)

Hey, are these called English Muffins in England? ;)
No, that's a couple of dead termites viewed through one of those amazing super magnifying Holy Crap Lookit That! lenses.

No, wait a minute, I had the thing the wrong way round.... Yeah, they look English to me, although they could be impersonating English muffins. I couldn't be absolutely sure until I heard them talk. But on first impressions, I'd say yes, they are.
Post edited January 06, 2015 by Stilton
LaPtiteBete: I'm owlready fluffed with love and pride... ^^ (but not huge yet...).
That pun was just fowl. ;)
I think my cat knows when I'm not feeling well.
She just hopped onto my lap to cheer me up :-)
AgentBirdnest: I think my cat knows when I'm not feeling well.
She just hopped onto my lap to cheer me up :-)
That goes for all animals, no shit. We have two dogs, a cat, and three miniature donkeys and when one of us is ill, they ALL react. When I had my really nasty illness ten years ago my cat was a totally different animal and never left my side as opposed to the "fuck you I'm a cat, worship me" animal that he had been prior.